Value predictors of formation of personality ego structure
Background. The relevance of this research lies in the search for predictors of the integration of personality features and their value-semantic components into a single, holistic structure. The emphasis is placed on the age aspect of the relationship between ego states and the related types of values. The transformation of the sociocultural situation determines the need to consider the mentality of different age groups in situations where the subject selects their goal and engages in self-regulation processes. Aims: to investigate age-related characteristics of value predictors of ego states and their degree of expression within the personality structure. Materials and methods. The study involved 360 women aged 18 to 44 years. The value structure was identified using Schwartz Value Survey and Portrait Values Questionnaire (as adapted by V.N. Karandashev). Individual ego states and their levels werestudied with D. Jongeward transactional analysis (as adapted by V.K. Kalinenko and V.A. Petrovsky). Statistical testing was performed using the Spearman's rank correlation test, multiple regression analysis, Mann-Whitney U-test, and Kruskal–Wallis H-test.
Results. It has been proven that each ego state is characterized by its own structure of values, and the relationship between types of values and ego states is dynamic and age-dependent. Significant relationships have been identified between the characteristics of human behavior (degree of expression of ego states) and the structure of values. The phenomenon of “linked differences” in the type of values and the structure of ego states between groups of similar ages has been discovered. Conclusion: This study reveals one aspect of personal choice and demonstrates that values serve as predictors of a person’s ego structure. The results obtained raise the question of how closely the personality type, which is determined by the varying degrees of expression of the “Adult” ego-state, is related to the basic values that shape the existential model of personal choice.
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