Instructions for Authors

Psychology. Psychophysiology

 Authors' Guidelines

Please use the template to prepare the manuscript for submission




1. Requirements for Submitted Manuscripts.

1.1 Preparation and submission of papers. Please ensure that the submitted manuscript is carefully proofread, and all misprints are corrected. For the whole paper, please use Times New Roman (font size 14), 1.5 line spacing. The first line of each new paragraph should be indented by one tab space, which should be set to a half-inch or 1.27 cm (except for the paper title, authors' names and affiliations). Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29.7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with all margins of 2.5 cm (0.98 in). The acceptable file format is Microsoft Office Word 2003 or 2007 (.DOC or .DOCX). All pages should be numbered. Please do not use automatic hyphenation. At the end of the paper, there should be complete information about the author(s). A recommended volume of the paper including tables, figures, and references not more than 15 pages. Papers of a larger volume may be published only by agreement with the Editorial Board.


1.2. Language. Papers should be submitted in either Russian or English. For papers in Russian and English translation should be provided (the authors' names, affiliations, addresses, title, abstract, keywords, corresponding author's contacts, and references). By permission of the Chief Editor, papers by foreign authors may be published in English without being translated into Russian (except for authors' names, title, abstract, and keywords).


1.3 Title page. The title page should include the following information: 1. Paper title; 2. Initials and family names of all authors; 3. Full names of authors' affiliations including city and country. For several authors (strictly no more than 5 authors allowed), please mark each author's name and related affiliation with a superscript digit (digital index). If all the authors have the same affiliation, please state it just once. If an author is affiliated to several institutions, please mark each one with an individual superscript digit.


UDC 612.43


LN Smelysheva, AV Kaygorodtsev, MM Kiseleva, 
TO Simonova, YA Vasilyeva

Kurgan State University, Kurgan, Russia


1.4. Abstract and keywords. The main text should be preceded by abstract and keywords. For original research papers the abstract should be structured as follows: Introduction, Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions. The Aim should not repeat the title of the manuscript. The description of methods should be concise and illustrative of approaches and research methodology. The Results section should also be concise and clear. Please reduce it to essential theoretical and experimental results of the research, newly discovered scientific facts, correlations, and dependencies. Avoid repeating the information from the title in the Abstract. It is not recommended to use excessive parenthetical phrases such as "the paper covers…" The word limit for the Abstract is strictly 200 to 250 words. The Abstract section should be followed by several key words or phrases relevant to the paper subject, in order to help databases create the most accurate search results. Key words should be separated by commas; there is a final period at the end of the list.



Aim. Improvement of chronic pancreatitis surgical management effectiveness.

Material and Methods. Duodenumpreserving pancreatic head resection was carried out in 107 patients. 78 of them previously had acute pancreatitis, 46 - underwent single open surgery for recurrent pancreatic pseudocysts and its complications. Persisting pseudocysts had developed in 68 patients, pancreatic fistula - in 14, biliary hypertension - in 37 with obstructive jaundice in 22 of them.

Results. No postoperative mortality was noticed. Complications appeared in 27 (25%) cases. Operated on 9 (8.4%): 4 for bleeding, failure of pancreaticodigestive or hepaticojejunal anastomosis - 3, bowel obstruction - 1, septic wound eventration - 1. Remote results studied in 76 (71%) patients in terms from 6 months to 8 years (3 ± 0,5 years). Complete pain syndrome disappearance noticed in 56 (73,7%) cases, professional rehabilitation achieved in 44 (57.9%). 7 patients underwent repeated surgery for obstructive jaundice and 2 - for bleeding, caused by blood vessel pseudoaneurism rupture.

Conclusions. Duodenumpreserving resection of the pancreatic fibrotic head with or without pancreaticojejunal anastomosis leads disappearance of pain syndrome and most of chronic pancreatitis complications. Accompanying biliary hypertension and obstructive jaundice requires additional hepaticojejunal or biliopancreatodigestive anastomosis.

Keywords: chronic pancreatitis, duodenumpreserving resection, pancreatic pseudocysts, pancreatic fibrosis, pancreatic duct lesions, biliary hypertension.

1.5. Figures and tables. Tables and figures should be presented as a part of the text. Whenever a table or a figure is mentioned in the text, please provide a reference in standard brackets (for example, (Table 1), (Fig. 1)).

Tables. Tables should be numbered with Arabic figures (for example, Table 1) and preceded by a descriptive title/heading. If a table is placed on the separate page, please indicate its location. Table heading should be consistent with its content. The number of the table should be right-aligned, and the title should be centered. Both number and title are placed above the table. Small tables may be presented in the text without placing them on individual pages. All numbers in tables should be consistent with ones in the text. Please avoid using abbreviations in tables. If it is necessary to use abbreviations, please provide appropriate explanations in a note right below the table.


Table 1


Stress-induced dynamics of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 
luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin in female university students 
with different initial tones of autonomic nervous system ( M ± m) (n = 49)




Stages of study

Total group

General group

(N = 49)



(N = 8)



(N = 15)



(N = 26)

FSH mIU / ml

FSH, mIU / ml


Normal conditions

4,90 ± 0,53

4,39 ± 0,78

5,36 ± 0,35

6,55 ± 0,71 *



6,58 ± 0,63 ▲

6,15 ± 0,77 ▲

1,63 ± 0,79 ▲

8,29 ± 0,80


mIU / ml

LH, mIU / ml


Normal conditions

7,65 ± 2,18

5,28 ± 1,05

7,95 ± 1,5

8,28 ± 1,82



6,97 ± 0,77

3,4 ± 0,53 ▲

6,07 ± 0,88 *

6,78 ± 0,90 *

Prolactin, mIU / ml

Prolactin, mIU / ml


Normal conditions

331,89 ± 17,98

257,15 ± 32,3

320,50 ± 23,61

362,90 ± 27,5



254,47 ± 20,6 ▲

249,48 ± 62,9

231,73 ± 34,5 ▲

260,03 ± 26,68 ▲


* - P <0.05 changes are significant for students with vagotonia;

** - P <0.05 changes are significant for students with normotonia;

▲ - p <0.05 changes are significant for students under normal conditions.



1.6. Figures. All illustrations in the manuscript, such as schemes, charts, drawings, diagrams, plots, maps, photographs, etc., are referred to as Figures. All Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each Figure should be followed by a caption providing its number, title, and legend if necessary. The caption is placed below the figure, centered. Captions of micro-photographs should include the description of staining method and magnification. It is acceptable to present computer graphic images with a resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) minimum. If necessary mark details on figures with Arabic numerals or lowercase Latin letters, but be sure to provide an explanation in the legend. For plots and graphs with coordinate axes, please give axis notations and units (for example, X axis — culture time, days; Y axis — enzyme activity, mL/min). A font size of all lettering in figures and tables should be at least 12pt. Large tables and figures should be presented on separate pages.



1.7. Mathematical formulas. Formulas and equations should be presented as an ordinary editable text, not as images, and consecutively numbered. Variables should be given in italic.

1.8. References and citations. Correct reference description is essential for citation and indexing. Original research papers should make reference to 20 sources minimum, review papers – to 60, and other materials – to 15 maximum.  At least half of cited sources should be works and papers published within the last 5 years. Please arrange the list of references in alphabetical order. References are cited in the text by square brackets, i.e. [1]. If several sources are cited at the same time then references may be put in one set of brackets: [1, 3, 5–9, 25]. Documents, such as Orders, Acts, Federal Standards, Medical and Sanitary Regulations, Provisions, Federal Laws etc., should not be included in the list of references; please put them as notes to the text. It is not acceptable to cite unpublished works. Self-citation should be avoided unless it is necessary (1-2 references in reviews). It is not recommended to cite dissertations, theses etc.; please refer to papers published based on dissertation research. It is recommended to provide any additional information if available: DOI, authors' names, dates, publication sources etc.

Examples of references:


  1. Akzhigitov, RG Current trends in the understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders: a lecture / RG Akzhigitov // Ros. honey. Journal. - 2002. - № 1. - S. 43-45.
  2. Akmaev, IG Evolutionary aspects of stress reaction / IG Akmaev, OV Volkov, AV Grinevich // Herald of the RAS. - 2002. - № 6. - S. 104-115.
  3. Alexandrov, Y. Introduction to systemic psychophysiology / YI Alexandrov // Psychology of the XXI century. - M .: Per Se, 2003. - P. 38-39.
  4. Baevskii RM Mathematical analysis of heart rate changes during stress / RM Baevskii OI Kirillov, SZ Kletskin. - M .: Nauka, 1984. - 22 p.
  5. The impact of stress on the body / NV reproductive system Szewczyk et al // Proceedings of V Russian Forum "Mother and Child», 2003. -. C. 465-466.
  6. Gavrilov, Y. The interaction of the nervous and immune systems during stress / JV Gavrilov, EA Korneyev // Med. Acad. magazine: official. ed. Northwest. Dep-of RAMS. - 2009. - T. 9, number 1. - S. 11-27.
  7. Dubnitskiy, EB Problems Clinic and treatment of depression related to reproductive cycle of women / EB Dubnitskiy // Consillium medicum. - 2008. - T. 10, number 6. - S. 87-90.
  8. Krayushkin, SS Features non-specific adaptation reactions in healthy women / SS Krayushkin, DV Bryunin // Technologies of living systems. - 2012. - T. 9, number 4, - S. 13-16.
  9. Mendelevich, VD Clinical and Health Psychology: Practical. hands. / VD Mendelevich. - M .: MEDpress, 2001. - 592 p.
  10. Oganesyan, MG Earthquake as a stressor in the reproductive sphere / MG Hovhannisyan // Medical and hygienic evaluation of infertility in the earthquake zone. - 1994. - S.   10-17.
  11. Manual Endocrine Gynecology / ed. EAT. Vikhlyaeva. - 3rd ed., Ext. - M .: OOO "Honey. Inf. Agency ", 2006. - 784 p.
  12. Rybakina, GV The analysis of heart rate variability / GV Rybakina, AV Sobolev // Cardiology. - 1996. - № 10. - S. 87-97.
  13. Serov VN Gynecologic Endocrinology / VN Serov VN Prilepskaya, 
    TV Ovsyannikov. - M .: MEDpress-Inform, 2004. - 252 c.
  14. Supryaga, AA Key indicators of the formation of the reproductive system and the possibility of correction of its disorders in adolescent girls aged 14-18 who are in the correctional labor facility / AA Supryaga, IM Worlds // Journal of Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology. - 2004. - Vol. 11. - P. 476-483.
  15. Sharypova, NV Vegetative indices for examination (emotional) stress / NV Sharypova // Foundation. study. - 2005. - № 2. - S. 58 - 59.
  16. Relationship between salivary cortisol and progesterone levels in humans / MM Wirth, EA Meier, BL Fredrickson, OS Schultheiss // Biology. Psychology. - 2006. - Vol.   3. - 
    R. 97-102.
  17. Sex differences in sensitivity of the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal axis / WT Gallucci, A. Baum, L. Laue et al. // Health Psychology. - 1993. - Vol. 12. - P. 420-428.


Journal papers

One author

Dylko, AG Numerical solution of optimal control problem for a linear pattern on the graph Hoff / AG Dylko // Vestnik of SUSU. Ser. "Mathematical modeling and programming." - 2012. - Vol. 13, number 27 (286). - S. 128-132.

Dylkov AG [Numerical Solution of an Optimal Control Problem for one Linear Hoff Model Defined on Graph]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Mathematical modeling and programming, 2012, iss. 13, no. 27 (286), pp. 128-132 (in Russ.).

Two authors

Fatigue, DA Distributed development environment lexical morphological analysis for the treatment of the Russian language / DA Fatigue, ML. Goldstein // Vestnik of SUSU. Ser."Mathematical modeling and programming." - 2013. - T. 6, number 3. - S. 119-127.

Ustalov DA, Goldshtein ML [A Dictionary - Based Morphological Analysis Framework for Russian Language Processing] Bulletin of South Ural State University.. Ser. Mathematical modeling and programming, 2013, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1 19-127 (in Russ.).

Kovyazin, VF The impact of fire on forest ecosystems / VF Kovyazin, EA Hanmirzaev // Health and Safety: Appendix. - 2013. - № 12. - S. 6-9.

Kovyazin VF, Khanmirzaev EA [Impact of Fires in Forest Ecosystems] Bezopasnost 'zhiznedeyatel'nosti: Prilozhenie [Life Safety: Supplement to the Journal], 2013, no. 12. pp. 6-9 (in Russ.).

Three authors

Shvetsov, VI Increasing resistance of molds for zinc units / VI Shvetsov, BA Kulakov, MA Ivanov // Foundry Russia. - 2005. - № 10. - S. 40-43.

Shvetsov VI, Kulakov VA, Ivanov MA [Increase Durability of the Moulds for Zinc Blocks] Liteyshchik Rossii [Founder of Russia], 2005, no. 10, pp. 40-43.

Four authors (and more)

Research performance supercomputers family "SKIF Aurora" on the problems of industrial / AA Moscow, AA Perminov VV Cherepennikov et al. / Journal of South Ural State University.Ser. "Mathematical modeling and programming." - 2013. - T. 6, number 2. - S. 66-78.

Moskovsky AA, Perminov AA, Cherepennikov VV , Shamakina AV, Sokolinsky LB [Research Performance Family Supercomputers "SKIF Aurora" on Industrial Problems]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Mathematical modeling and programming, 2013, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 66-78 (in Russ.).

Translated journal paper

Gudim, Y. metal losses in the smelting of steel in electric arc furnaces, and methods for their reduction / YA Gudim, SG Ovchinnikov, IY Zinurov // Electrometallurgy. - 2010. - № 6. - S. 11-15.

Gudim Yu. A., Ovchinnikov SG, Zinurov I. Yu. Metal Losses During Steelmaking in Arc Furnaces and Methods for Their Decreasing. Russian   Metallurgy (Metally), 2011, no. 6, pp. 495-498. DOI: 10.1134 / S0036029511060103.

Continued publications (collected papers)

Gumnitsky, ME Features of value-semantic sphere of personality of young people with different levels of expression of religious / ME Gumnitsky // Scientists ZabGU note. - 2013. - № 5 (52). - S. 72-78.

Gumnitskiy, M.Ye. [Feature of Value-Sense of Sphere of Young People's Personality with Different Level of Religiousness Intensity] Uchenye zapiski ZabGU [Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University], 2013, no. 5 (52), pp. 72-78 (in Russ.).

Apresyan, RG Can you give a definition of morality? / RG Apresyan // Moral: A variety of concepts and meanings: Sat. scientific. tr. - M .: Alpha-M, 2014. - P. 203-207.

Apressyan, R. [Can Morality be Defined ?] Moral ':. Raznoobrazie ponyatiy i smyslov: sb. nauch. tr [Morality Diversity of Concepts and Meanings : Collected Papers].. Moscow, Alfa-M Publ., 2014, pp. 203-207 (in Russ.).

Conference proceedings

Detection of changes in state of the pressure sensor based on its analysis of the output signal / O. Bushuyev, AS Semenov, SA . Cherniavsky, etc. // 20 th World Congress IMEKO, 2012. - P. 190-193.

Bushuev O.Yu., Semenov AS, Chernavskiy SA, Shestakov AL [Detecting Changes in the Condition of a Pressure Transducer by Analysing its Output Signal] 20 vsemirnyy kongress the y-IMEKO [IMEKO 20th World Congress is], 2012, pp. 190-193. (in Russ.).

Tolipov, K. Standing heterogeneous acoustic waves / K. Tolipov // Advanced Materials Research, 2013. - T. 684. - P. 667-670.

Tolipov, K. (2013), Stagnant nonuniform acoustic waves, the Advanced Materials Research, , vol. 684, pp. 667-670 (in Russ.).

Books (monographs, textbooks, etc.)

Lyons, D. Language and Linguistics. Introductory course: textbook / D. Lyons. - Moscow: URSS, 2004. - 320 p.

Lyons is, J. Yazyk i lingvistika. Kyrs Vvodnyi [the Language and Linguistics. An Introduction]. Moscow, URSS Publ, 2004. -. 320 p.

Povolotskii, DY Stainless Steel Manufacturing / DY Povolotskii, Y. Gudim. - Chelyabinsk: South Ural State University Publishing House, 1998. - 235 p.

D.Ya. Povolotskii, Gudim Yu.A. Proizvodstvo nerzhaveyushey stali [the Stainless Steel's the Production]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 1998. 235 p.

Kolmogorov, VL Stress, strain, destruction / VL Kolmogorov. - M .: Metallurgy, 1970. - 229 p.

The VL Kolmogorov Napryazheniya, deformatsii, razrushenie [Stresses, Strains, Fracture]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1970. 229 p.

Translated editions:

The rule of law and ensure its problems in law enforcement: Intern. team. monograph./ EV Novikov, etc .; per. in English. lang. O. Nikiforova et al .; ed.EA Novikova. - M .: Statut, 2010. - 413 p.

The EV Novikova, the AV Naumov, Fedotov's AG, Rachmilovivich the AV, the TG Morshakova, Yakovlev on the VF, Zhuikov the VM, the VL Latltsky Verkhovenstvo   prava   Problemy   ego of   obespecheniya   v   pravopriminitel ny   praktike by intern collektiv Monogr . [the Rule of Law in Russia: Issues of Implementation, Enforcement and Practice], english translation: O. The Nikiforova, et. al. Moscow, Statut Publ., 2010. 413 p.


Pat.2481153 Russian Federation. A composite sorbent of calcium Hydrosilicates / AG Morozova, TM Lonzinger, GG Mikhailov; the applicant and the patentee Yuzh.-Ural. state. Univ. - № 2011125244/05; appl. 17.06.2011; publ.05.10.2013, Bull. Number 13. - 6.

Morozova AG, Lonzinger TM, the GG Mikhailov Kompozitsionnyy   Sorbent   na is   osnove   gidrosilikatov   of kal tsiya [Calcium Silicate-Based Sorbent the Composite]. Patent RF, no. 2481153 2013.

Reissue of the book

Borisova, EG Collocation. What is it and how to learn / EE Borisov. - 2nd ed. - M .: Philology, 1995. - 49 p.

EG Borisova's Kollokacii.Chto jeto takoe i kak IKH izuchat ' [Collocations. What is it and How to Study Them ]. 2nd ed. Moscow, Filologija Pub., 2007, 49 p.

GOST (State Standards)

GOST 8.586.5-2005. Methods of measurement. Flow measurement and quantity of liquids and gases using standard narrowing devices. - M .: Publishing House of Standards, 2007. - 10 p.

GOST 8.586.5-2005. Metodika vypolneniia izmerenii. Izmerenie raskhoda i kolichestva zhidkostei i gazov s pomoshch'iu standartnykh suzhaiushchikh ustroistv [State Standard 8.586.5-2005. Method of measurement. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007. 10 p.


GOST 8.586.5-2005. [Method of measurement. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices], Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007. 10 p. (In Russ.).

Internet resources

Tabanakova, VD Collocation semantization as a word in the English dictionary / VD Tabanakova. - Http:// (reference date 23/06/2013).

The VD Tabanakova Kollokcicija how semantizacii slova v sredstvo anglijskom slovare [Collocation as with a Means of semantization Words in the English dictionary]. Available at: (accessed 23.06.2013)

Anonymous documents

Assembly of the Russian Federation. - 2011. - № 48. - Art. 6724.

Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii - Official Gazette, 2011, no. 48, p. 6724.

Current status of the Russian pharmaceutical industry and international experience. Materials for the working group of the Commission for Modernization and Technological Development of Russia's Economy. Available at: (In Russ.).

Code of Business Conduct of OJSC "LUKOIL". Available at: (In Russ.).

RF Federal Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights" of February 07, 1992 № 2300-1 (as amended by Federal Law of January 09, 1996 № 2 FZ, December 17, 1999 № 212 FZ). (In Russ.).

Notes: Transliteration is done using the site in the "language" choose "Russian transliteration," in the "Options BGN ".

2.0. Authors' information

Smelysheva Lada N. , PhD, MD, Professor, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kurgan State University, Kurgan, .

Kaygorodtsev Andrey V., post-graduate student, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kurgan State University, 640020, Kurgan, Sovetskaya st.,63 build. 4, .

Kiseleva Maria M. , post-graduate student, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kurgan State University, 640020, Kurgan, Sovetskaya st.,63 build. 4, .

Simonova Tatiana O. , post-graduate student, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kurgan State University, 640020, Kurgan, Sovetskaya st.,63 build. 4, .

Vasilyeva Iuliya A. , post-graduate student, Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kurgan State University, 640020, Kurgan, Sovetskaya st.,63 build. 4, .


Smelysheva LN

Kaigorodtsev AV

Kiseleva MM

Simonova TO

Vasilyeva IAiuliavsilieva1990@mail.ru

Kurgan State University, Kurgan, Russian Federation,

2.1. Research and publication financing. If the research or paper preparation received financial support from any person or organization, please indicate all funding sources in the Acknowledgements section.