Publication Ethics

Manuscript submission

The manuscripts should be submitted online to the Editorial Office of Psychology. Psychophysiology   (

Research originality

Submission of the manuscript means that the paper is original and has not yet been totally or partially published, is not currently under evaluation elsewhere, and, if accepted, will not be published elsewhere either wholly or in part. 

Splitting the data concerning one study in more than one publication could be acceptable if authors justify this decision with good reasons both in the cover letter and in the manuscript. Authors should state the novelty of their manuscript as compared to any previously published articles derived from the same study. Relevant previously published articles should be included in the cover letter of the currently submitted article.

Permission to reproduce previously published materials

Materials (such as illustrations) taken from other publications must be accompanied by the publisher’s permission.


The Authors agree to transfer the ownership of copyright to Psychology. Psychophysiology in the event the manuscript is published. 

Ethics committee approval

All articles dealing with original human or animal data must include a statement on ethics approval at the beginning of the methods section, clearly indicating that the study has been approved by the ethics committee. This paragraph must contain the following information: the identification details of the ethics committee; the name of the chairperson of the ethics committee; the protocol number that was attributed by the ethics committee and the date of approval by the ethics committee.

The journal adheres to the principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration ( and states that all reported research concerning human beings should be conducted in accordance with such principles. The journal also adheres to the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals  ( recommended by the WHO and requires that all research on animals must be conducted in accordance with these principles.

Authorship statement 

The Authors are the persons who have made a considerable contribution to the research, paper editing or revision, and final preparation for publication, and also the persons responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript. Persons who have participated in the manuscript preparation in any other way may be listed in Acknowledgements section. When the paper has been processed and accepted for publication the Authors' names cannot be changed in any way (added, replaced, or rearranged). Sending the final version of the manuscript to the editor please ensure that the list of authors is complete and properly organized.

Submission statement 

All authors listed in the manuscript should sign the Submission Statement Form which may be downloaded from the journal website and send it to the Editorial Office. The Statement must be initialed by the head of institution or department where the research was conducted. By submitting the manuscript the authors confirm their agreement with the provisions and principles stated below.

Conflict of interests

The authors must disclose any current or potential conflict of interests concerning financial, pesonal, or other relationships with any people or oranizations if such a conflict may occur within three years after a moment of manuscript submission and have a negative effect on it. The form of conflict disclosure is included in the Submission Statement. The details concerning conflicts of interests may be found on the website of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors:


Literal and/or substantial copying of a work without permission and acknowledgement of the original source is prohibited. The paper may be checked for plagiarism by means of (for Russian texts) and (for English texts). The Editorial Board reserves the right to check the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. Submission of the papers published or submitted elsewhere is prohibited. Submitting the paper the authors must inform the Editorial Board in the cover letter of any similarities to the existing materials and publications (for example, conference proceedings, presentations, previously published papers, book chapters, or illustrations).

Copyright transfer

By submitting the manuscript and attached files for publication the author (or authors) agrees to transfer the ownership of copyright to Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “South Ural State University (national research university)” FSAEIHE SUSU (NRU) in accordance with the License Agreement.

Research publication approval

The author should provide an approval of the corresponding body if the paper may disclose any confidential information or secrets of state regulated by the export control laws.

Research and paper funding

If the research or the paper preparation were financially supported by any person or organization the author should list all the funding sources in Acknowledgements section.