Publication policy

Aims and Scope

The purpose of the Psychology. Psychophysiology journal is an objective presentation of the results of fundamental and applied research in psychological sciences, the organization of scientific discussions on psychological and psychophysiological issues of the development of personality, society, education in Russia and abroad.

Editorial policy

Editorial policy is based on the provisions of the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as on the ethical standards for editors and publishers provided by the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

Author’s responsibilities

Requirements for manuscripts

Authors should provide only carefully verified results of the original research and their objective discussion.

Scientific reviews and articles should be accurate and objective.

Data access and storage

For peer review, Editors or Reviewers may ask Authors to provide raw data relevant to the manuscript. Authors should be prepared to provide open access to this kind of information (ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), if technically feasible, and to retain this data for an adequate period of time after publication.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors should submit to the editorial office the original work and in the case of using statements and/or works of other Authors cite them properly (according to the existing general rules) and indicate exact bibliographic references.

Plagiarism in all forms (from presenting someone else's work, copying or paraphrasing significant parts of someone else's work (without attribution) to claiming one’s own rights to the results of someone else's research) is regarded as unethical and illegal.

Duplicate publications

The Author should not submit as an original article a manuscript describing the same research (or part of it) in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals at the same time is considered as unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Recognition of sources

It is always necessary to indicate the contribution of the third parties to the author's research by referencing to scientific publications that influenced the implementation and results of the presented work. Data obtained privately, for example, in the course of conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties, should not be used without the written permission of the data owner. Information obtained from confidential sources should not be used without the written permission of the data owner.

Authorship of the publication

The publication can only be co-authored by persons who have made a certain contribution to the research concept, its development, implementation or interpretation of the results obtained.

All research participants who have made a significant contribution to the manuscript should agree with the list of authors, and all co-authors should read and approve the final version of the manuscript.

Risks associated with research implementation and research objects

If the work involves the use of procedures or equipment, in the operation of which any non-standard risk is possible, the Author should clearly indicate this in the manuscript.

If the work involves the participation of people as objects of research, the Authors should make sure that the manuscript indicates that all stages of the research comply with the laws and regulations of research organizations and were approved by the relevant structures. The manuscript should clearly indicate that informed consent has been obtained from all subjects of research. Authors should always ensure privacy protection.

Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest

All Authors are required to disclose financial or other existing conflicts of interest that may be perceived to have a negative influence on the results or conclusions of the work.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include employment, consulting, shareholding, royalties, expert opinions, patent applications or patent registrations, grants, and other financial support.

Essential mistakes in the published works

If the Author detects essential mistakes or inaccuracies in the manuscript, the Author should inform the Editor about this fact and interact with the Editor in order to promptly withdraw the manuscript or correct the mistakes. If the Editor or Publisher receives this information from a third party, the Author is obliged to withdraw the manuscript or correct mistakes as soon as possible.

Reviewer’s responsibilities

Influencing the decisions of the Editorial Board

The review process allows the Editor to make a manuscript decision and improve manuscript quality through collaboration with Authors. The Publisher shares the point of view that all scientists who want to improve the content of their manuscripts should make additions and introduce changes to the texts in agreement with the reviewers.

Sense of duty

The Reviewer considering himself as insufficiently experienced to provide a review for the manuscript or not having enough time to complete the work without delay, should notify the Editor of the Psychology. Psychophysiology journal and ask him to be excluded from the review process.


Any manuscript received for review is considered a confidential document. This work cannot be opened and discussed with anyone not authorized by the Editor.

Requirements for manuscript reviews and objectivity

The Reviewer is obliged to give an objective assessment. Personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable. Reviewers should express their opinions clearly and reasonably. The manuscript of the review is considered as a confidential document.

Recognition of sources

Reviewers should identify essential published works that are relevant to the topic and not included in the bibliography of the manuscript. Any statement (observation, conclusion or argument) published earlier and relevant to the topic should have a corresponding reference in the manuscript. The Reviewer should draw the attention of the Editor to significant similarities or coincidences between the considered manuscript and any other published work that is in the field of scientific competence of the Reviewer.

Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author. Information or ideas obtained during the review and associated with possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in case of the conflicts of interest provoked by competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.

Editor’s responsibilities

Decision on the manuscript

The Editor of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal is personally and independently responsible for making a decision on the manuscript. Such a decision should always be based on the reliability of the considered work and its scientific importance. The Editor is guided by the policy of the Editorial Board of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal while taking into account the current legal requirements to copyright, content legality and plagiarism.

The Editor has the right to confer with other Editors and Reviewers when making a decision on the manuscript.

 Sense of duty

The Editor should evaluate intellectual significance of the manuscript regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, origin, belonging to various social and subcultural minorities, citizenship or political preferences of the Authors.


The Editor and Editorial Board of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal are obliged not to disclose without the need information about the accepted manuscript to third parties, with the exception of Authors, Reviewers, potential Reviewers, other scientific consultants and the Publisher. The Editor and Editorial Board of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal guarantee the anonymity of their reviewers.

Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author. Information or ideas obtained during the review and associated with possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

Editors should refuse from considering manuscripts (request a deputy editor or cooperate with other members of the Editorial Board instead of personally reviewing and making a decision on the manuscript) in case of the conflicts of interest provoked by competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.

Mistakes detection

The Editor who possesses convincing evidence that statements or conclusions presented in the manuscript are erroneous should provide them to the Publisher for a timely notification of changes, withdrawal of the publication, raising concerns and other relevant statements.

Ethics violations

The Editor and the Publisher take appropriate actions in case of ethical claims regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials. Such measures usually include interaction with the Authors, relevant organizations and research centers.

Publisher’s responsibilities

The Publisher should follow the principles and procedures and, therefore, contribute to the performance of ethical standards by Editors, Reviewers and Authors of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal.

The Publisher should provide support to the Editors of the journal in addressing ethical claims and helping to interact with other journals and/or Publishers if this contributes to the performance of Editors' duties.

The Publisher should promote good research practice and implement appropriate standards to improve ethical guidelines, retraction procedures and correction of mistakes.

The Publisher should provide appropriate legal support (consultation and preparation of the legal conclusions) to Editors, if necessary.


This section was prepared based on the materials of the Elsevier publishing house and in accordance with the Recommendations for a scientific journal website (edited by O. Kirillova) and the materials of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Disclosure policy and Conflict of interest

Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author.

Information or ideas obtained during the review process and associated with possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in case of conflicts of interest provoked by competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.

Open Access policy

The Open Access principle (free open access to research results contributes to an increase in the global exchange of knowledge) allows the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal providing open access to its content

Our open access policy is in line with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition, which implies that all articles are freely available on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.

For more information, please see the BOAI statement (link to


The Editorial board of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal can check the material using the Antiplagiat system as a part of the peer review process. In case of detection of numerous borrowings, the Editors act in accordance with the COPE rules.

Pre-prints and Post-prints

When sending a manuscript to the Editorial office, the Author should confirm that it was not published or was not accepted for publication in another scientific journal. When citing articles published in the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal, the Publisher asks to provide links (URL data) to the official website of the journal.

The articles previously posted by the Authors on personal or public sites that do not belong to other Publishers may be admitted to consideration.

Indexation data

The Psychology.Psychophysiology journal is indexed in the following databases:


The content of the Psychology.Psychophysiology journal is archived in the national library systems, namely eLIBRARY and CyberLeninka. The full-text version of the journal is placed on the journal's website -

Retraction policy

Retraction or withdrawal of the text of a publication is a mechanism for changing published information and notifying scientists that the publication contains essential mistakes or erroneous data.

Inaccurate data may be the result of good faith misconception or willful misconduct.

Retraction is also used to alert readers to cases of duplicate publications (when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism and conflicts of interest that may have influenced the interpretation of data or recommendations for its use.

Article retraction presumes a violation of ethical norms of the journal or ethical principles generally accepted in the scientific community.

An article can be retracted for the following reasons:

  • the presence of illegal borrowings (plagiarism) in a significant amount;
  • duplication of an article;
  • detection of falsified or fabricated data;
  • detection of essential mistakes (for example, misinterpretation of the results), which casts doubt on research validity and reliability;
  • incorrect list of authors (omitted authors; authors who do not meet the criteria for authorship);
  • hidden conflict of interest;
  • republishing an article without the consent of the author;
  • other violations of the ethical principles of the journal.

The retraction procedure can be initiated based on:

  • appeal of the Author/Authors to withdraw the article;
  • decision of the Editorial board of the journal.

The decision is made by the Editor taking into account the answer of the Author explaining his/her position on the issue (upon receipt of this answer).

If the Author finds it necessary to withdraw the article, he/she applies to the Editorial office and explain the reason for such a decision. The Editorial board responds to the Authors and, if there are grounds for retraction, independently retracts the article.

If the Editor decides to retract the article as a result of his/her expertise or based on the information received by the Editorial board, the Author is notified about this fact and asked for a motivated opinion about article retraction. Motivated opinion is requested from each co-author of the article separately. If the Author ignores the Editor's request, the latter has the right to withdraw the publication without taking into account the author’s opinion.

If the Editor receives an appeal about the grounds for article retraction, the Editor informs the Author of the appeal about the timing of its consideration. The maximum period for consideration of such an appeal cannot exceed one month. The appeal is not subject to consideration if it does not indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the author or contact information.

To conduct an examination of the article and related materials, the Editor-in-Chief forms an expert commission. The decision to retract the article is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Editorial board. Having decided to retract the article, the Editor indicates the reason for retraction (in case of plagiarism, the sources of borrowing should be indicated), as well as the date of retraction. The article and its description remain on the website of the journal as part of the corresponding issue and have the following title: RETRACTED. Along with these data, the date of retraction is also indicated in the electronic version of the journal, the same title is placed both in the article and in the table of contents.

Information about the retracted articles is transferred to the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (for entering information into a unified database of retracted articles) and to the National Electronic Library ( (information about the article and its full text remains on but is provided with retraction data. Retracted articles and references from them are excluded from RSCI and do not participate in the calculation of scientific indicators).

The Editorial board of the journal, along with the decision about article retraction, has the right to decide on imposing a ban on further publication of articles from the Author for a certain period.

Information about article retraction is posted on the journal's website.

This section of the editorial policy was prepared based on the rules of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers and describes the procedure for eliminating violations in scientific materials published by the Publishing House.