Analysis of the algorithm for improving the assessment of psychophysiological adaptation in educational institutions
Introduction. Recently, considerable attention has been paid to the psychophysiological adaptation and health of students. In the territory of the Arctic area of the Russian Federation, extreme solar and geophysical conditions exhibit an additional effect on the functional state and adaptive capabilities of the body, thus affecting the methods of psychophysiological research. Aim. The paper is aimed at developing and implementing an algorithm for a standardized psychophysiological assessment of adaptation in students.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted in 2020–2021 and involved the students and teaching staff (n = 105) of the Kola Medical College in Apatity, Murmansk region. The subjects were ranked by age: under (n = 79) and over 23 years (n = 26). Hemodynamics was investigated with the Omega-M hardware and software complex (Russia, St. Petersburg) and the NS-Psychotest Expert hardware and software complex (Russia, Ivanovo). Results. Significant differences were found in the binocular assessment of the speed of a simple visual-motor response in the subjects. The data obtained was at the lower limit of the reference values. This suggests that in the group over 23 years of age, the response speed is more stable and greater than that of students under 23 years of age. There were no significant intergroup differences in the lability and endurance of the nervous system. In students under 23 years of age, the mobile nervous system and excitation prevailed, while students over 23 years of age were characterized by the inert nervous system and inhibition. In both groups, sufficient mobility of nervous processes in the cortical part of the visual analyzer was noted. There were no significant differences in the level of anxiety. Conclusion: The data obtained made it possible to perform both a group analysis and an individual interpretation with personal recommendations. The proposed algorithm allows to both promptly (within 30 minutes) and comprehensively assess personal adaptive mechanisms as well as individual parameters of situational and personal anxiety, well-being, activity, mood, and the functional status of the body.
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