Psychological correction and psychotherapy in psychogenic overeating
Introduction: The article deals with a fairly common problem in clinical psychology, namely psychological correction and psychotherapy in psychogenic overeating. Currently, there is still no single comprehensive approach for such clients. However, both Russian and foreign authors actively summarize scientific data about the personal characteristics of clients with psychogenic overeating and the development of corresponding programs for psychological correction and psychotherapy. Aims: the author aims to study approaches, lines of research, and methods of psychological correction and psychotherapy in psychogenic overeating. Theoretical Basis: the study involves monographs, dissertations, and abstracts about psychological correction and psychotherapy in psychogenic overeating from electronic databases and librarie
(eLibrary, CyberLeninka). Results: theoretical provisions about psychogenic overeating as a type of eating disorder were analyzed. The main lines of research and methods of psychological correction and psychotherapy in psychogenic overeating were identified and described. Conclusion. Psychogenic overeating is one of the most common forms of eating disorders. Scientists have identified the main causes, signs, and forms of psychogenic overeating. There is no single comprehensive approach to psychological correction and psychotherapy in psychogenic overeating; however, the main lines of research and methods of its psychological therapy were identified.
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