Psychological and pedagogical aspects of creating motivation for physical education and sport in persons with health conditions

Keywords: students, health conditions, inclusive education, motivation, motives, adaptive physical education


Introduction. One of the important problems associated with physical education for people with health conditions is identifying the features of their motivation for physical education. Purposefulness and the interest of students in their activities depend on motivation. Creating motivation requires identifying the elements of the motivational system. Therefore, there is a need to identify the psychological and pedagogical aspects of motivation. Aims: the paper aims to identify the motives for physical education and sport and their structure in persons with health conditions. Materials and methods. The following methods were implemented: literature review, empirical research, comparative analysis. The method of A. Shaboltas
(“Motives for sports”), which suggests the presence of the basic motives for physical education and sport, was used to find personal values associated with physical education. The study involved two groups of students (with and without health conditions). Results: the results obtained in empirical studies were compared with the method of A. Shaboltas and motivation theories of A. Maslow and K. Alderfer. It was found that dominant motives corresponded to the average level of the hierarchy of needs (love and belonging). The author developed a structure of motives of people with health conditions, which was considered as a relationship between needs and motives that determined the need for socialization, recognition and self-esteem. Conclusion: as a result of the study, it was confirmed that the motives of social and physical self-esteem were more pronounced in sports activities among persons with health conditions compared to healthy individuals.


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Author Biography

O. Y. Muller , Surgut State University (Lenin Ave. 1, Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, 628403, Russia)

PhD Pedagogy, docent at the Chair of Professional and Further Education Pedagogy


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How to Cite
Muller, O. (2022). Psychological and pedagogical aspects of creating motivation for physical education and sport in persons with health conditions. Psychology. Psychophysiology, 15(3), 35-42.
Medical (clinical) psychology