Typological features of self-awareness of women who use violence against a childh

Keywords: self-awareness, typology of women, maternal self-awareness, psychological abuse, physical violence, abuse, violence, motherhood, child-parent interaction, childhood, upbringing


Introduction. The mother plays a major role in the upbringing and socialization of the child. The use of violence by parents has a negative impact on the psychological health of the child, his/her cognitive function, physiological and emotional status. At the same time, the features of parent-child interaction and upbringing of the child are directly related to maternal awareness and acceptance of the maternal role, maternal self-awareness. The knowledge of the content and typological features of self-awareness of women prone to violence makes it possible to perform a targeted psychological intervention, and, therefore, to more effectively manage the use of violence against a child. Aims. The paper aims to identify the typological features of self-awareness of women who use psychological and physical violence against a child. Materials and methods. This study is based on the works of N. Vasyagina, E. Zakharova, E. Rybakova, S. Mokhova, I. Khamitova, E. Belyakova. Self-awareness was measured by using the following questionnaires and methods: self-attitude questionnaire by V. Stolin and S. Pantileev; the level of maternal subjectivity questionnaire by N. Vasyagina and K. Gulyaeva; “I am a mother” essay by N. Vasyagina; Parent-Child Interaction questionnaire by I. Markovskaya. The study involved 100 women who use physical and psychological violence against their children. The sample was formed randomly based on an anonymous survey using the ICAST-P tool. Result. The result of the study was an empirically verified typology of self-awareness of women who use violence against a child. Conclusion. As a result of the study, 5 types of women were verified. The results obtained demonstrate the features of the phenomenon under study, the variety of reasons for the use of violence and related justifications. The abovementioned is essential for a better management of maternal behavior.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Sanochkina , Ural State Pedagogical University (26 Kosmonavtov Ave., Yekaterinburg, 620017, Russia)

Postgraduate student, Department of Psychology of Education

N. N. Vasyagina , Ural State Pedagogical University (26 Kosmonavtov Ave., Yekaterinburg, 620017, Russia)

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Education, Institute of Psychology

K. Browne , University of Nottingham (Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK)

PhD, Professor of Forensic Psychology and Child Health, Director of the Center for Forensic and Family Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology, Faculty of Medicine


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How to Cite
Sanochkina, A., Vasyagina, N., & Browne, K. (2022). Typological features of self-awareness of women who use violence against a childh. Psychology. Psychophysiology, 15(3), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.14529/jpps220301
Methodological and theoretical issues of psychology