Abstract. Currently, considerable attention is paid to the adaptation of students, which is impossible without socio-psychological and psychophysiological factors. The mental activity of students is often accompanied by cognitive stress and stress reactions. Stressful situations are determined by many factors: disrupted daily activities due to time deficit, hypodynamia, bad habits, psychological overstress and fatigue. Any adaptation, especially in the first year at university, requires maximum efforts from all functional systems of the body. The aim of the review: analyze research materials on the mechanisms of adaptation of students to mental activity. Results. Psychophysiological features largely determine the effectiveness of mental activity and successful adaptation of students. Sustainable adaptation to learning environment mostly depends on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a person and has its own cost, which can later affect certain systems that experience the greatest load during adaptation. Discussion. The selection of markers to assess the effectiveness of adaptation to mental activity, especially in the academic environment, causes some difficulties. Many authors confuse the components of adaptation and do not describe the process itself. Therefore, new approaches to integral indicators are needed to determine the ability of a person to adapt to the academic environment. Such an approach was developed by V. Medvedev (2003), who proposed to assess personal and intellectual characteristics as adaptive resource and a complex of both general and specific indicators that characterized changes during mental activity. Conclusion. The article is based on works about the adaptation of students to mental activity and the role of individual psychophysiological indicators in the academic environment.
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