Keywords: neurosis, models, behavior, adaptation, mediation analysis, predictor


Background. The use of models of neurotic disorders allows to dwell into a conflict-generating nature of neurotic disorder, to provide a prognosis about its development with respect to multifactor influences on a person, to find psychotherapeutic targets and the mechanisms of interactions between participants in neurotic communication. Aim. The paper aims to develop mediation models that explain the behavior of neurotic patients in order to find psychotherapeutic targets and propose timely preventive care. Materials and methods. 35 patients with neurotic disorders F.4 (F.40 – F.48) participated in the study, including 16 male and 19 female patients aged from 18 to 50 years. The following methods were used for the purpose of the study: Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI, as modified by L. Sobchik), acmeological test of personal values (A. Kaptsov), Dembo-Rubinstein method of self-esteem measurement (as modified by A. Prikhozhan), neurotization and psychopatization levels (N. Lasko, l. Vasserman, O. Shchelkova), resilience test (S. Maddi, as modified by D. Leontev), Holmes-Rahe stress inventory (by T. Holmes and R. Rahe). Mathematical and statistical data processing was carried out in the Excel and Statistica 10.0 programs using the methods of descriptive statistics: Kendall τ; U-Mann Whitney test, correlation matrices and correlation pleiades for results visualization. A step-by-step mediation analysis was carried out based on the multiple regression method. Results. The correlations were established between a potential mediator (values), predictor (personal traits as described in MMPI) and moderator (personal features). Two types of models with a complete and incomplete mediation effect, which determine the dispersion level, were constructed and verified. The level of dispersion is considered in this case as evident and non-evident relationships with all participants involved in the model of neurotic communication. As a result of the study, the features of patients with neurotic disorder were described with further analysis of their relationships. Conclusion. The results obtained allowed to form a model of neurotic behaviour in persons with adaptation disorders and to find psychotherapeutic targets essential for timely preventive care.


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Author Biographies

I. V. Blagoveshchenskaya , South Ural State Medical University (64 Vorovsky str., Chelyabinsk, 454092, Russian Federation)

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology

A. V. Kaptsov , Moscow City Pedagogical University, Samara branch (76 Stara-Zagora str., Samara, 443081, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Research Center

O. B. Koneva , South Ural State University (76 Lenin Ave., Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russian Federation)

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology, Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Counseling


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How to Cite
Blagoveshchenskaya, I., Kaptsov, A., & Koneva, O. (2021). NEUROTIC BEHAVIOR IN PATIENTS WITH ADAPTATION DISORDERS. Psychology. Psychophysiology, 14(4), 62-71.
Medical (clinical) psychology