Abstract. The relevance of this study is associated with the search for models for managing teacher's activities in the context of the development of academic competitions and inclusion of gifted students in such competitions. Of particular importance is the teacher's willingness to work in an unpredictable situation and to overcome difficulties associated with project activities.
Aim: the paper aims to study hardiness and tolerance for uncertainty as psychological resources of teachers with different project experience. Materials and methods: The study involved 157 school teachers in the Leningrad Region. For the purpose of the study, all teachers were divided into four groups. Two experimental groups, a control and an additional group were formed from the participants in the regional program for the promotion of academic competitions. Psychological diagnostics was carried out using the S. Maddi hardiness test and the S. Budner Tolerance for Uncertainty questionnaire. Statistical processing of the data obtained was performed by means of descriptive statistics, comparative analysis (Mann-Whitney test) and correlation analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient). Results: Differences were revealed in terms of the level of hardiness and tolerance for uncertainty, as well as in the structure of their relationships between groups: 1) with a high and low expert grade of teamwork projects; 2) with efficient teamwork and teachers who work individually with students involved in academic competitions. The most significant psychological resources for their project activities are risk acceptance and tolerance for uncertainty. Conclusion: The article analyzes the features of hardiness and tolerance for uncertainty as psychological resources for project activities in teachers responsible for academic competitions. The teamwork resource potential has been proved, which makes it possible to reduce resistance to uncertainty and to enhance problem solving skills.
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И.Л. Качуро, Е.Л. Солдатова, А. Гаврилюк // Образование и наука. 2021. № 1. С. 102–135. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2021-1-102-135
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