Background. The paper presents the results of analysis of the lie category research carried out in the XX–XXI centuries by domestic and foreign scientists. Many authors note that lying as a psychological phenomenon has been studied inconsistently and rather fragmentarily. The diversity of existing definitions of lies emphasizes the complexity of this phenomenon and indicates its insufficient theoretical elaboration, as well as the need to form a holistic, scientifically based understanding of the psychological nature of lies. Aim. The paper presents a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign research on the phenomenon of lies carried out in the XXI century. Results. It has been established that in the XX century researchers ceased to study the moral side of lies giving preference to its formal and dynamic features. In the XXI century, foreign experts describe the mechanism of cognitive distortion and control, as well as
verbal and non-verbal signs of deception. The psychological portrait of a liar, the phenomenon of false memories, the role of responsibility, volitional qualities and behavioral attributes in the recognition of lies are being actively studied using a polygraph. Domestic science clarifies the phenomenology of lies, its psychological and psychophysiological mechanisms and pays particular attention to the subjective truth of the liar’s memories. Conclusion. An essential feature of domestic studies on the psychology of lies in the 21st century is the focus on elucidating its psychological mechanisms based on the phenomena of subjective construction of memories, false memories and false denial.
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