Criteria for assessing the psychophysiological adaptation of schoolchildren from different regions of Russia to the the educational environment
Background: The exploration of psychophysiological development among students necessitates the monitoring of parameters that determine the adaptability to learning activities across various developmental stages. To objectively assess the impact of the educational environment on adaptation processes, it is necessary to consider the geographical contexts in which students reside. Aim: the study aims to analyze the psychophysiological indicators of students undergoing adaptation to educational processes, taking into account their residential regions, and to identify the most informative criteria for assessing the trajectory of adaptive changes. Theoretical framework: the investigation employs a theoretical analysis of available literature concerning the psychophysiological characteristics of students, influenced by a combination of the educational environment and the region of residence. Methodology involves the comparative analysis of conceptual approaches to assessing student psychophysiological states and the synthesis of findings from various authors based on criteria for psychophysiological adaptation to educational activities among persons residing in different conditions. Results: the compiled information regarding the psychophysiological adaptation of schoolchildren, derived from the reviewed sources, precludes comprehensive generalizations across age, gender, and regions of residence. Challenges in consolidating available data stem from the application of different diagnostic methodologies (e.g., questionnaires, correction tasks, and computer games), varying tools with their reference values, disparities in sample sizes from region to region, and a multitude of evaluation criteria and their interpretations. Conclusion: Current research on the psychophysiological adaptation of schoolchildren encompasses the search for criteria distinguishing adaptation from maladaptation and the delineation of age- and gender-specific psychophysiological development patterns and health statuses of schoolchildren, accounting for individual typological, regional, and ethnic variations. Additionally, efforts are made to identify predictors of academic achievement or underperformance among students. A promising field of research pertains to the fundamental mechanisms underlying psychophysiological development within contemporary societal and environmental living conditions.
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