Psychophysiological characteristics of nociception as an adaptive function of the body in healthy individuals
Background. In different sources, the notion of pain is defined as a mental state, integrative function, or integrative response of the body. The content of these definitions varies significantly, thus raising the question of the controversial nature and relevance of this problem. Aims. The primary aim was to provide a psychophysiological characteristic of nociception as an adaptive function of the body in healthy individuals based on literature analysis and the author’s research. The secondary aim was to present modern methods for the assessment of pain tolerance and its values in healthy individuals. Materials and methods. This study presents a theoretical analysis of scientific literature about the psychophysiological and physiological characteristics of mental states and the integrative function and body response to pain stimuli. A comparison of conceptual approaches was performed along with a summary of certain research about the aspects of psychophysiological characteristics of nociception as a function of the body. Results. Based on the data obtained, the relationships between the notions of state, function, and response within the psychophysiological understanding of pain are considered as follows: pain is a complex psychophysiological phenomenon that forms the mechanisms of adaptive functions of the body, including emotions, motor, humoral, and vegetative responses similar to stress reactions. In pain physiology, tensoalgometry is the most preferable method for measuring individual pain tolerance, depending on different factors. In modern pain physiology, pain threshold body mapping and the assessment of criteria that influence pain tolerance are considered relevant. Conclusion. Pain characterizes the adaptive response of the body and warns it about potential harm. A response to the irritation of nociceptors presents an adaptive and protective reaction in the body. The relevance of pain threshold body mapping in different age and sex groups is associated with insufficient data about pain threshold in healthy individuals.
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