The psychophysiological status of e-athletes (a review)
Background. The structure of e-sports tournaments is comparable to that of traditional sports, and, therefore, e-athletes also need scientifically based performance enhancement. However, the technological development of e-sports is faster than the requirements for e-athletes, including their states, skills, and abilities that are an integral part of their psychophysiological status. In the absence of adequate data on the characteristics of e-athletes, the negative effects of their training and competitive activities cannot be prevented effectively. Materials and methods. This paper presents a review of more than 60 foreign sources from PubMed. The keywords included the following: “e-sports”, “e-athletes”, “psychophysiological status”, “sensorimotor reaction”, “mental disorder”. Results: this literature review is structured and presented in sections that outline the clinical and physiological characteristics of e-sports. Additionally, it provides an analysis of factors that determine the functional fitness and psychophysiological status of e-athletes. The “mental disorders” section is comprehensively presented, allowing for the assessment of risks related to the cognitive and affective-emotional spheres of e-athletes. Conclusion: the paper offers insights into promising areas of research on the psychophysiological support of e-athletes during training and competitive activities. It delves into the simultaneous enhancement of cognitive abilities, psychomotor efficiency, and physical training, highlighting the need for a well-rounded approach to athlete development. Notably, significant efforts by psychologists and related specialists are aimed at the development of stress resistance in e-athletes and the prevention of mental disorders to improve professional performance.
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