Development of value-sense sphere of adolescents' personality in the conditions of additional education
Adolescent development is crucial in modern society, with a pressing need to define effective guidance strategies. Current educational systems and families struggle to address the fundamental life questions faced by teenagers, including finding meaning, developing values, and forming worldviews. There is a gap in systematic approaches to cultivating value orientations, particularly in the context of extracurricular education. Aims: This paper aims to identify differences in value and meaning orientations among adolescents receiving versus those not receiving additional education. Materials and methods: The sample involved 150 adolescents (aged 15–16) from a comprehensive school in Barnaul, Altai Krai. The sample was divided into 2 groups: 52 schoolchildren not engaged in extracurricular activities, 98 engaged in creative extracurricular activities (choreography, fine arts, music). Standardized assessment tools were used, including the Value Orientations of Adolescents questionnaire by V. Sopov and L. Karpushina and the System of Life Meanings questionnaire by V. Kotlyakov. Results: Significant differences in value and meaning orientations were observed between the two groups of adolescents. Adolescents participating in extracurricular activities demonstrated a prevalence of self-realization and cognitive meanings, arising from the need for self-promotion and self-enhancement. In contrast, adolescents not engaged in extracurricular activities placed greater emphasis on family relations and caring for loved ones. Conclusion: participation in additional education can serve as a catalyst for developing the value and meaning sphere of adolescents. Future research should focus on the most effective methods and approaches to additional education to enhance value and meaning orientations among adolescents.
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