The role of psychological factors in shaping attitudes towards the disease among rheumatoid arthritis patients
Introduction. This study delves into the intersection of medical science and psychology, focusing on how patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) develop an internal perception of their condition. Specifically, it explores psychological predictors of adaptation to RA, given the disease’s autoimmune nature and its highly variable progression among patients. The subjective experiences of patients inevitably contribute to the clinical manifestation of RA, underscoring the importance of studying patient attitudes towards their disease. Aim: to identify the main psychological predictors of adaptation to the disease among RA patients. Materials and methods: the study involved 57 RA patients, employing a range of empirical tools including the Cloninger Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-125), the NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), the TEMPS-A questionnaire, the Lifestyle Index, the Dembo-Rubinstein Self-Esteem Scale, the Color Relationship Test, and the TOBOL questionnaire. Results. The study identified psychological predictors for the development of adaptive attitudes towards the disease, such as “Persistence” and self-esteem on the “Mood” scale. Predictors for maladaptive attitudes, particularly those involving intrapsychic conflict resolution, include “Attitude to the body” and “Irritable temperament”. Predictors for destructive attitudes, particularly those involving interpsychic conflict resolution, correlate with defensive behaviors like “Regression” and “Denial”. A harmonious disease attitude, observed infrequently in this sample, correlates positively with “Agreeableness” and inversely with “Persistence” and “Novelty Seeking”. Conclusion. The results obtained offer valuable contributions to understanding the internal picture of the disease in RA patients. These results could prove beneficial for clinical psychologists in arthrology departments for both planning and conducting group and individual psychotherapeutic interventions.
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