Coping strategies as an aspect of social psychology using the example of analysis of the characteristics of team sports
Introduction. In the scientific literature, the analysis of group coping strategies is illuminated to a greater extent by the example of studying large groups or dyadic relationships. It is known that the use of team coping strategies increases cohesion and the desire to maintain balance in the team, which leads to personal growth and development of both individual group members and the entire group as a whole. Individual coping strategies are a combination of cognitive and psycho-emotional processes of the individual that arise in response to a stress factor. We assume that with a harmonious combination of individual and team coping, the process of overcoming stress becomes more effective. Aims: to establish the features of coping strategies and the formation of personal characteristics; identify coping resources of individual and group coping strategies. Materials and methods: methodology for diagnosing emotional intelligence; social intelligence; coping strategies during a crisis; psychosocial maturity; empathy; socio-psychological adaptation; support of autonomy by the coach of the athlete. Representatives of the men's rugby team of the Krasnodar region, 30 people aged 16–17 years. Qualification of athletes: candidate for Master of Sports, 1st and 2nd sports category. Results. Despite the variety of stress factors in the educational process in the field of team sports, non-constructive copings are inferior to constructive ones. The most developed personal features: a mature attitude towards oneself and others, the ability to understand emotions, a high assessment of personal autonomy on behalf of the coach. The contribution to the application of adaptive coping strategies is made by: maturity, emotional intelligence, empathy, autonomy support from the coach. Resources that reduce the likelihood of using maladaptive coping are social intuition, adaptability, internality. Coping resource, interconnected only with individual copings, psychosocial maturity. Resources interconnected only with team coping strategies, emotional intelligence and social intelligence, penetrating ability in empathy, support of the athlete's autonomy by the coach, adaptability, internality. Emotional comfort is interconnected with individual and team coping strategies. Conclusion. The results of the study allow assessing personal coping resources, predicting ways to overcome stress and the degree of their constructiveness, and determining directions for increasing coping resources.
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