Correlates of aggressive behavior in sports (a review)
Introduction. The rising number and frequency of aggression incidents in or around the sports arena underscores the importance of understanding and addressing sports aggression, including its causes, effects, and strategies to overcome its negative consequences. Aims: to provide a systematic review of modern foreign literature exploring the psychological manifestations and effects of aggressive behavior in athletes.
Methods. The search term “aggression athletes” was utilized to retrieve data from the “PubMed,”
“ScienceDirect,” and “ScienceGate” databases. Subsequently, the research findings were analyzed, synthesized, and organized into distinct sections. Results. The findings from studies exploring the predictors and correlates of aggression and aggressiveness in athletes of different sports are organized and presented. This includes an examination of the determinants of personal qualities and characteristics, as well as the situational factors that may lead to or influence athletes' manifestations of aggression. Conclusion. A comprehensive grasp of the factors linked to aggression and its triggers has the potential to markedly enhance the quality of psychological assistance provided to athletes during their training.
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