Personal and socio-professional characteristics of heads of schools with different organizational cultures. Part 2: Comparative analysis of relationships
Background. This paper is part of a series of scientific publications about the personal and socio-professional characteristics of heads of schools with different organizational cultures. The first part of the study contains the problem statement, research question, conceptual framework, and first results. The second part of the study deals with an empirical evaluation of the hypothesis about differences in the structure of interactions between the personal and socio-professional characteristics of heads of two types of schools. Aim: to identify the personal and socio-professional characteristics of heads of schools with different organizational cultures. Materials and methods. The study involved 85 heads of leading schools and 67 heads of schools with low learning outcomes in the Leningrad Region. Value-semantic attitudes and leadership style were considered personal characteristics, while the socio-professional ones comprised team roles, self-assessment of project competencies, managerial experience, and position. The following techniques were used: the Choice of Proverbs technique by N. Markina, the Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire by B. Bass and B. Avolio, the Team Role Inventory by R. Belbin, and the authors’ questionnaire for self-assessment of project competencies. Statistical processing was carried out using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results. The systemic and diffuse types of organizational cultures in schools with different learning outcomes were empirically substantiated. The structure of interactions between value-semantic attitudes and self-assessment of project competencies, team role, managerial experience, and age was investigated. Conclusion. The study shows that organizational culture and different levels of learning outcomes can be determined by the culture of management, which is the actualization of a manager’s personal and socio-professional characteristics.
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