Sex correlations between the components of temperament in medical university students
Introduction. A number of researchers share the opinion that temperamental traits are stable determinants of personality. The literature presents research results indicating the plasticity of temperamental traits depending on type, gender, age, and ethnicity. The issue of sex-related characteristics of temperament is of particular interest. Gender differentiation reflects the development of individuality, the typological characteristics of a person, as well as formal aspects of activity directly related to the properties of the nervous system. The information presented in the literature on these issues is multidirectional. Aims. This paper aims to identify the features of social and subject activity in male and female medical students by means of correlation analysis. Materials and methods. The structure of temperament was defined in 135 male and female students with the V. Rusalov questionnaire. During statistical processing, the average values were obtained, as well as their differences in the groups of subjects. A correlation analysis was performed with the calculation of rectilinear correlation and the coefficient of multilateral correlation.
Results. The results obtained showed the prevalence of the emotional component in female individuals. Rectilinear correlations between the scales of the questionnaire, both positive and negative, allowed us to identify the role of plasticity in subject activity and the alignment of communicative processes with arbitrary activity in men. Conclusion: In women, the structure of correlations between scales showed a different system of control of purposeful activity that resulted from the emotional sphere. This can probably lead to decreased effectiveness in achieving adaptive results.
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