Psychophysiological profiles of students residing in different climatic and geographic areas of the Magadan region
Introduction. The natural and climatic conditions of different areas of the Magadan region range in terms of comfort and their effects on the functional systems of the body during ontogenesis. Aim. This study aimed to compare the speed of sensorimotor reactions in male students permanently residing in the coastal (Magadan) or continental (Susuman) areas of the Magadan region. Materials and methods. Sixty-seven volunteers (mean age 17.7 ± 0.10 years) participated in the survey, including 37 students from Magadan and 30 students from Susuman. The NS-PsychoTest computer system (NeuroSoft, Ivanovo) was used to determine subjective psychophysiological parameters of simple and complex sensorimotor responses. Situational and personal anxiety were measured with the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberg-Khanin). Results. The comparative analysis of psychophysiological parameters in male students from different areas showed statistically significant differences in 8 out of 15 parameters (p < 0.05), as well as in the levels of situational anxiety. In male students from Susuman, significantly lower stability and accuracy were found, along with delayed responses, errors in differentiating visual stimuli (p < 0.05), and a longer time of a simple sensorimotor response. Male students from the continental area more frequently experience fatigue of the central nervous system and show lower performance. The number of errors in differentiating visual stimuli was twice higher in Susuman residents (p < 0.05) compared to Magadan residents. Poor concentration and low functional performance of the central nervous system were recorded in 73 % of Susuman students and 49 % of Magadan students. Both groups had students with low mobility, weak nervous processes, and poor functional performance of the central nervous system. Conclusion. Conditions in the continental area were considered an additional functional load and resulted in a decrease in functional reserves, inertia, weak nervous processes, and poor concentration. Therefore, these phenomena were attributed to the physiological cost of adaptation.
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