Professional adaptation as a component of the resilience model in emigrants
Introduction: the resilience of emigrants is largely determined by their working activities in the host country (professional adaptation, attitude toward work, career prospects). Aim. This paper was aimed at investigating resilience under various conditions of professional adaptation. Materials and methods: The study took place in several subjects of the Russian Federation, including Moscow, the Moscow region, the Voronezh region, and Stavropol Krai, and involved a correlation and comparative analysis of the data obtained from 248 ethnic Greeks who left Georgia in 1990–1998 (age of respondents: 30–65 years). The following methods were used for the purpose of the study: the S. Maddi hardiness questionnaire, the human resilience test, the adaptability multi-level personality questionnaire, the Rogers–Diamond test of social and psychological adaptation, and the E. Sсhein career orientation inventory. The data obtained was processed with descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and the Mann–Whitney U-test. Results: correlation analysis was used to measure the resilience of emigrants with different experiences of professional adaptation. The data obtained shows a number of significant relationships between the parameters attributed to the global categories of Resilience and Professional adaptation. Emigrants with a vast experience of professional adaptation demonstrated better resilience. Conclusion: the resilience of emigrants is largely determined by their working activities in the host country (professional adaptation, attitude toward work, career prospects). Successful professional adaptation has positive relationships with the individual psychological characteristics of emigrants. Vitality is considered to be the main characteristic of emigrants.
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