Individual profiles of functional asymmetry of the brain among medical students
Introduction. The concept of the complementary and fundamental nature of interhemispheric interaction for neurophysiological functions is the basis for identifying types of hemispheric asymmetry and related psychovegetative features. A qualitative assessment of the status and prognosis of university adaptation in adverse conditions requires taking into account the functional organization of the brain. Thus, the profiling of hemispheric asymmetry in medical students is relevant for the prognostic assessment of university adaptation in adverse conditions. Aims. to identify the individual profiles of functional asymmetry of the brain among medical students at the stage of initial adaptation to university, to assess the stability of its signs, to provide its prognostic assessment. Materials and methods. 213 first-year students took part in the study. Hemispheric lateralization was identified at the beginning and end of the semester by means of the NS-Psychotest computer system. The data obtained were processed using Statistica 10.0 and the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test. Results. Five regular phenotypes of functional asymmetry of the brain were identified. Left hemispheric dominance was found in 123 students (59 %). Mixed hemispheric dominance (Types II, III, and IV) was identified in 81 students (37 %). Right hemispheric dominance was found in 9 students (4 %). The so-called pure hemispheric dominance was more characteristic of girls, while the mixed one was typical of boys. Conclusion. Thus, five regular phenotypes of functional asymmetry and their features were identified at the stage of initial adaptation to university. The psychovegetative support and adaptation cost will be different depending on the profile of hemispheric dominance.
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