Individual psychological characteristics and self-presentation of adolescents in educational settings
Introduction. The article presents the results of an empirical study on the formal and dynamic characteristics of a student’s personality, its fundamental properties, intelligence, cognitive styles and self-presentation in educational settings. Self-presentation in educational settings is considered as a special form of activity, which combines individual psychological characteristics, cognitive features and styles with respect to the objectives and specifics of communication in order to demonstrate an appropriate image and impress others. Aim. The paper aims to identify the formal and dynamic characteristics of a student’s personality, its fundamental properties, intelligence, cognitive styles and self-presentation in educational settings. Materials and methods. The study involved 149 adolescents between 13–14 years of age (Lyceum No. 42, Ufa), including 64 boys and 85 girls. The study was performed using the following tools: V. Rusalov questionnaire on the formal and dynamic characteristics of a personality (temperament); Eyesenck personality questionnaire modified by V. Rusalov; E. Volkova and V. Rusalov CPS – Q questionnaire; R. Amthauer Intelligence structure test modified by L. Yasukova. The results obtained were processed with IВМ SPSS Statistics v. 27 (descriptive statistics, ANOVA). Results. It was found that self-presentation was determined by a dominant activity of a person (cognitive, communicative, psychomotor). The psychological profiles of adolescents were obtained based on their individual and psychological characteristics. These profiles reflect the specifics of self-presentation and students’ preferences with regard to educational activities (individual, group, practice/subject-oriented). Conclusion. The knowledge of self-presentation and its specifics will allow teachers to select educational technologies, which contribute to a comprehensive, accurate and meaningful understanding of a subject, and find the most effective way of providing educational services.
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