Background. The question of the relationship between the functional state of the central nervous system, aggressiveness and personal anxiety in students remains relevant, since educational and professional activities associated with sensory, emotional and mental load determine the adaptive strategies of students. Aim: the paper aims to identify the features of neurodynamic responses and aggressiveness of Tuvan students depending on their level of personal anxiety. Materials and methods: the sample included 438 students of Tuva State University of both sexes with an average age of 19.3 ± 0.1 years. Psycho-emotional state was evaluated by the level of personal anxiety (the Spielberger test as modified by Khanin). Three groups of students were formed in accordance with the level of personal anxiety (high, moderate and low). Aggressiveness and hostility were measured using the Buss – Durkee Hostility Inventory. Integral indicators were calculated according to the indices of hostility and aggressiveness. Neurodynamic responses were assessed by a visual-motor reaction and choice reaction task performed in the NS-PsychoTest system. The data obtained allowed to identify the latency period of visual reaction, the functional level of the nervous system, reaction stability, and functional capacity. Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using the Statistica v. 10.0 program. The level of significance was obtained with the Student's t-test for independent samples with a normal distribution and set up at p ≤ 0.05. Results: The results showed that 52% of students had a moderate anxiety level. High anxiety levels were found 21.1% more frequently than low anxiety levels. The average time of a visual-motor reaction decreased from a high to low anxiety level. The choice reaction task demonstrated a high speed of nervous processes in students with moderate anxiety levels. The maximum value of the reaction time was found in the group with low anxiety levels.
The number of gaps, as an indicator of attention, was higher in students with high anxiety levels, while their functional level, reaction stability and functional capacity were lower compared to the other two groups. Regardless of the level of personal anxiety, all students had a “slightly reduced” working capacity. The indices of aggressiveness and hostility decreased with a decrease in personal anxiety. Conclusion: Tuvan students with high personal anxiety levels were characterized by a low speed of sensorimotor reactions, a low level of the functional state of the nervous system, and high levels of aggressiveness and hostility. Students with low personal anxiety levels were characterized by low aggressiveness and hostility, had an adequate speed of sensorimotor reactions and optimal performance of the nervous system. Neurodynamic responses in this group were worse when participants performed a complex sensorimotor reaction task. Students with moderate personal anxiety levels had optimal performance in the choice reaction task.
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