Abstract. The development of physical education is associated with an objective social need for ensuring optimal physical activity of a person. Physical education is an integral part of social culture in general aimed at strengthening health, developing physical, moral and cognitive abilities of a person to harmonize personality formation. Regular exercise is the main and almost the only way to prevent physical degradation in adolescents. Emotional satisfaction plays an important role when it comes to physical exercises and sport. In the northern region, where climate contributes to physical inactivity, promoting sports participation is becoming an extremely important aspect of pedagogical activity for both a physical education teacher and a trainer. Aim: the paper presents an experimental study and theoretical justification of the motives of interest and satisfaction with physical education and sport among adolescents. Materials and methods: The study involved adolescents (5–10 grades) of various educational institutions of Surgut and Surgut region. The total sample consisted of 256 students of both sexes. The following methods of scientific and pedagogical research were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature and scientific data; methods of socio-psychological research; empirical methods; methods of mathematical processing. The effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical techniques for forming interest and satisfaction with physical education and sport in adolescents were analyzed. Results: A high level of interest in physical education and sport among schoolchildren is observed when using an interdisciplinary approach and various extracurricular activities that are integrated into a single physical education system. Conclusion: The paper provides a theoretical analysis of the ideas on the formation of the main motives of interest and satisfaction with physical education and sport among adolescents in a modern comprehensive school. The structure, content and factors influencing the formation of such motives were determined experimentally.
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