Abstract. The article aims to explore the influence of the psychophysiological status of badminton players on the effectiveness of their training and competitive activity by means of a review of domestic and foreign scientific journals. Materials and methods. The analysis of original research posted in the Web of Science (291 articles) and (94 articles) search platforms was performed. The following selection criteria were chosen: 2016–2020 publication period, keywords “badminton*”, “badminton player”, “reaction”, “nervous activity”, “psychophysiologic*”. The following methods of theoretical research were used: formalization, generalization and system analysis. Results. This brief review differentiates the concepts of “functional status”, “mental state”, “psychophysiological state” and “psychophysiological status”. The article presents a review of perspective studies of factors (methods, means) that allow for differentiating and individualizing the training loads of badminton players regardless of the level of their sports performance. Attention is focused on the general pattern in the psychophysiological status of badminton players, namely a significant psychoemotional stress associated with low psychophysiological indicators as a result of intensive training. The emphasis is made on the need to take into account the individual and typological differences in the psychophysiological indicators of athletes; the article describes the need for a comprehensive analysis of the factors that determine and affect the psychophysiological status of badminton players. Conclusion. It is shown that modern domestic and foreign studies of the psychophysiological status and mental state of badminton players represent different approaches to this issue. An analysis of foreign sources over the past five years revealed a tendency towards the dominance of studies of individual components of the psychophysiological status, namely the indicators of fatigue, EEG and EMG activity, psychomotor functions, by means of the survey method, questionnaires. Russian researchers propose the solution of complex problems of methodological support of the psychophysiological status of badminton players: assessment of the correlation between athletic performance and personal temperament, the nervous system, the autonomous system; the features of individual sensorimotor responses, and movement accuracy.
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