Background. The function of the central nervous system in adolescents reflects the complex influence of climatic and social conditions, as well as morphofunctional lability characteristic of puberty. Studying the functional state of the central nervous system in adolescents living at high latitudes is important for forming a region-dependent norm of the functional state of the body. Aim. The paper aims to reveal the features of sensorimotor integration as an indicator of the functional state of the central nervous system in 11–14-year-old students living in the North.
Materials and methods. 88 schoolchildren from Surgut (46 males and 42 females) aged 11–12 years (1 group, n = 33) and 13–14 years (2 group, n = 55) were examined. Psychophysiological testing was carried out with the help of the NS-Psychotest hardware and software (Neurosoft, Ivanovo). The following methods were used: simple visual and motor reaction, complex visual and motor reaction – choice reaction. Mathematical and statistical processing was carried out in Microsoft Excel and Statistica 10.0. Results. Sex-related differences in neurodynamic data were revealed: average parameters of boys of both groups in comparison with girls are characteristic of a more active and mobile central nervous system. The functional state of the central nervous system in males is higher than that of females in both age groups, though, sensorimotor responses of females are more stable. Age-related improvements in sensorimotor integration were noted due to improved cerebral processing of sensory information by reducing latency time of sensorimotor responses. In males, depending on age, there was a tendency to negative changes in the functional state of the central nervous system. Conclusions. The results obtained describe the average level of activation and a high level of functional mobility of nervous processes in all adolescents. The average level of the functional state of the central nervous system reflects the optimal functional capabilities of the participants, which is the basis for effective psychophysiological adaptation to living conditions and educational activities.
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