Background: At the moment, in educational psychology, questions of training future teachers remain relevant. The same is for the formation of not only professional competencies but also the system of value and sense attitudes of a teacher to his/her educational activities. Aim: The paper aims to study the structure of value and sense attitudes of future teachers (on the example of university students). Materials and methods: the study involved first-year students of the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University and the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmullahs aged from 17 to 18 years (n = 140, 118 females and 22 males). The following psychodiagnostic methods were used: meaning-life orientations test by D.A. Leontiev; value orientations method by M. Rokich; system of vital meanings by V.Yu. Kotlyakova modified by D.S. Ermakov. Mathematical and statistical processing: descriptive statistics and factor analysis were carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics v. 23 statistical software package. Results: the indicators of meaning-life orientations, the ranking position of terminal and instrumental values, as well as the prevailing categories of life meanings were revealed. In the structure of value and sense attitudes of future teachers, 4 factors are identified that describe the students' ability to formulate their personal meanings, correlate them with the interests of society and their future profession. Conclusion: the data obtained allow to analyze the structure of value and sense attitudes of future teachers. The peculiarity of their educational activity is closely connected with a teacher’s perception of his/her importance and value in society.
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