Risky behavior is considered in constructive and destructive aspects. The constructive aspect consists of adaptation to the dynamics of modern life. The destructive aspect is about the desire for danger, adventure, that leads to a threat to health and mental health. The problem of risky behavior as a manifestation of autoaggression is particularly relevant in the period of adolescence from 10 to 16 years. About 70 % of adolescent deaths are caused by risk-taking. Aim. The purpose of this work is to study the concepts of risky behavior, its types and prevention. Results. Risky behavior is a form of deviant behavior if it does not meet the standards adopted in a particular society at a certain time and involves an objective danger to the individual. In this regard, this behavior is considered as one of the manifestations of autoaggression. Adolescent risky behavior is caused by a number of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors. From an existential perspective, risky behavior is a choice made without reference to the value of one's own life. A teenager's perception of risk is associated with overcoming the fear of death, trying to take control of the situation. The types of autoaggressive risky behavior include ignoring traffic rules, offenses, casual sexual relations and unprotected sex, as well as the use of psychoactive substances. Conclusion. Adolescent risky behavior is a normative phenomenon of age, which under the influence of a number of adverse factors is modified into autoaggressive forms. Autoaggressive risky behavior is a way to regulate the fear of death and existential anxiety. This destructive behavior allows the adolescent to experience a surrogate sense of self-actualization: “I was able”, “I coped”, “I am successful”, which later forms a special way of responding to difficult life situations – addressing the topic of death as a way out of the crisis. An integral part of prevention of self-injurious, risk-taking behaviors of adolescents needs to be existential and personalized approach.
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