Dynamics of mental regulation of emotional states for MFC RT employees in routine and stressful situations of professional life
Introduction. The significance of this research lies in the prevalence of stress, burnout, and information overload among individuals, particularly those engaged in professional activities, especially in the service sector and interpersonal communication. Mental regulation has been extensively studied in various populations, such as students, athletes, and teachers. In this article, the focus was on investigating the mental regulation of MFC employees, a government agency that was established relatively recently and serves as the front office for providing public services to businesses and the public. Aims: to explore the self-regulation techniques used by employees of a state organization in routine and stressful situations on the example of a multifunctional center that provides state services in one of the districts of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The study sample consisted of MFC employees from various departments involved in customer service. Twenty-four employees performed various online self-regulation assessment techniques. The data obtained were processed using Spearman correlation analysis and the Wilcoxon T-test. Results: a comparative analysis employing the Wilcoxon T-test shows a difference in the results of mental state assessments during stressful and routine situations. Spearman correlation analysis demonstrates a significant number of correlations between mental states and the methods of their regulation in stressful situations at work. Conclusion. The results obtained suggest that during routine professional activities, lower behavioral activity is associated with a higher frequency of self-regulation in communication. In stressful situations, it is noteworthy that the scales of activity of emotional, cognitive, and somatic processes negatively correlate with the methods of self-regulation “communication” and “passive discharge”.
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