A study of the attitude toward the child's illness and relationships in families with diabetic children
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus ranks among the most common diseases, with its prevalence increasing annually, often manifesting at younger ages. This condition affects various aspects of personality development, particularly through parental attitudes toward the child’s illness and family dynamics. These factors play a key role in personality formation, the child's self-perception of illness, emotional state, and adaptive capabilities. This study aims to identify the relationship between parental attitudes toward a child's diabetes mellitus and family relationships. Materials and methods. The study involved 72 respondents (2 fathers, 70 mothers), of whom 100% had children with childhood-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus. Only 33.3% of parents sought psychological support post-diagnosis, while the majority (66.6%) did not. Data collection was done through specialized online forums for parents of diabetic children and adult diabetics. Utilized psychodiagnostic tools encompassed the “Diagnostics of attitude toward the child's illness” (V.E. Kagan, I.P. Zhuravleva); the “Questionnaire of the family’s emotional relationships” (E.I. Zakharova); and the “Analysis of family relationships” (E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Yustitskis). Results. The results of the study demonstrate a strong association between parental anxiety regarding the child’s illness and several variables of family dynamics, including hyperprotection, lack of requirements or responsibilities, inconsistent parenting styles, fear of loss, marital conflicts and parenting styles, preference for feminine qualities, parental lack of confidence, parental self-perception, and feelings associated with parent-child interaction. Conclusion. The identified patterns underscore the connection between the emotional dimension of parental attitudes toward the child's illness (positive or negative) and the quality of family relationships. The data obtained is invaluable for clinical psychologists providing psychological support in outpatient or inpatient settings at the Department of Endocrinology, as well as for endocrinologists and dialectologists.
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