Abstract. The ability to overcome challenges despite the impact of external factors is particularly relevant in the professional sphere. This paper aims to describe the concept of professional resilience, which is considered as an integrative mental phenomenon and consists of psychological characteristics, professional skills and qualities that allow to use and manage internal and external resources for adaptation, professional tasks, recovery and further professional development regardless of working conditions. The paper presents the results of an empirical study, which was aimed at describing the socio-psychological characteristics of professional resilience associated with the potential in certain areas and identifying prospects for the support, correction or development of both resilience and organizational structure. Materials and methods. The study involved employees, volunteers and interns (n = 217, including 6.5 % men and 93.5 % women, average age – 34.9). This research took place in the non-profit organization that provided psychological assistance to people suffering from severe, chronic diseases. The method of content-analysis was used. The results of its application showed that the subjective picture of resilience could be used to identify the amount of resources essential for supporting, correcting and developing professional resilience. Conclusion: This research proves that professional resilience is a multicomponent mental phenomenon that consists of stable and dynamic elements that can change under different conditions. A careful study of professional resilience, its levels, factors, individual and organizational characteristics makes it possible to choose the most accurate tools that contribute to its maintenance and development.
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