Publishing Policy

1. Papers can be accepted for evaluation in case of full compliance with the requirements for the manuscripts submitted, and only if all necessary documents are provided.

2. Papers are accepted according to the following schedule:

  • issue 1 (March) - until January 1
  • issue 2 (June) - until April 1
  • issue 3 (September) - until July 1
  • issue 4 (December) - until October 1


3. Having received the manuscript, the Executive Editor will inform the author in 5 working days, check the manuscript for compliance with the formal criteria, and also perform plagiarism check using the Antiplagiarism system. The Executive Editor informs the authors about the necessary corrections to be introduced. When all the required corrections are made the paper is sent to the Chief Editor and the Editorial Board.

4. The received papers are evaluated by the Editorial Board within a week. Papers meeting the formal criteria and relevant to the topics of the journal undergo the peer-review process. In a two months after the paper registration, the Editorial Board informs the authors about the peer-review results and the decision on publication.

5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the paper that does not meet the requirements or is not relevant to the topic of the journal.

6. If the paper has been rejected the author will receive the reasons from the Editorial Board.

7. All papers regarded by the Editorial Board as relevant to the topics of the journal are sent to reviewers (please refer to Peer-Review Policy).

8. The Editorial Board is authorized to perform academic and literary editing of the submitted manuscripts, to cut them after agreement with the author, or, if the paper is of interest for the journal, to return it to the author for further revision.

9. The Editorial Board does not get into an argument with the authors of rejected papers; the manuscripts are not returned.