Abstract. Maintaining high skilled specialists will allow solving the problems of both expertize and employment. Moreover, defining age and personal limits in every profession is becoming a key issue in labor, health and education psychology. This determines the importance of building and maintaining resilience at workplace. This paper aims to establish the biopsychosocial factors that determine the optimal level of resilience in extreme conditions. Materials and methods. Military personnel (n = 431) with an optimal level of resilience in extreme conditions participated in the study. The following methods were used for empirical research: professional resilience test; the Luscher color test interpreted by I. Tsyganok; simple and complex visual and motor reaction; K. Leonhard accentuated personality system; mini-cartoon technique; interpersonal relationships measurement system, and the author's social questionnaire. Results. As a result of empirical research, it was found that the optimal level of resilience consisted of 5 factors: socialization, satisfaction, self-regulation, self-realization and activity. Socialization is a fundamental factor in the structure of resilience. Successful functioning in society determines the formation of satisfaction, which contributes to the mobilization of resources, self-regulation and self-realization. Self-realization allows to be active. Psychophysiological and psychological characteristics of experts working in extreme conditions, as well as the features of their social development form certain factors that constitute internal conditions for the subsequent transformation of their personality under the external influence of professional loads.
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