Effectiveness of sensorimotor training in individual and competitive activity contexts for subjects in dyads
Introduction. The exploration of psychophysiological and social determinants influencing the success of human activities is an urgent problem in neurosociobiology, particularly relevant given the tough requirements of many professions. Aims. This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of sensorimotor test performance in individual versus competitive settings among the same subjects. Materials and methods. The study involved male volunteers recruited among students of the Moscow State Medical University of Medicine and Dentistry. Sensorimotor activity was simulated using the “Columns” exercise from the “BOS-Kinesis” software and hardware system (Neurotech LLC, Taganrog, Russia), incorporating biofeedback from the flexor muscles of the subjects’ dominant hand. The study was divided into two phases: individual training, where subjects were physically separated for task performance, and a competitive phase, where participants trained side-by-side, competing against each other. Data analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism v.6.01 and STATISTICA v.12 software packages. Results. The results obtained reveal that the impact of a competitive environment on sensorimotor activity varies significantly based on the subjects’ baseline individual performance. Notably, improvements in performance under competitive conditions were more pronounced among individuals who initially struggled with the task, whereas a considerable portion of those who had previously excelled saw a decline in performance. Conclusion. The study demonstrates individual typological features in how sensorimotor task performance changes under competitive conditions compared to individual efforts among male participants.
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