Development of personal and emotional characteristics among students of secondary vocational educational institutions through a psychological support program

Keywords: secondary vocational education, psychological support, psychological support program, training


Introduction. Federal state educational standards promote mobility, adaptability, sociability, teamwork, and independence among the key characteristics of graduates from secondary vocational educational institutions. These qualities are crucial for successful adaptation to a dynamic labor market and broader societal contexts. Recognizing the significance of these requirements, the provision of psychological support within vocational education settings gains prominence. Such support aims to promote personal development, enhance self-perception, and address potential challenges associated with academic activities and adaptation. Purpose: this study focuses on the enhancement of personal and emotional characteristics through a psychological support program. Materials and methods. The research involved two groups, comprising 175 students from the Angarsk Motor Transport College. A battery of psychodiagnostic tools was used, including M.N. Rozhkov’s“Level of personality socialization” method, G.N. Kazantseva’s self-esteem questionnaire, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (C.D. Spielberg, Y.L. Khanin), and G.Sh. Gabdreeva’s emotional tension study method, to evaluate changes in students’ personal and emotional profiles.
Results. The implementation of the psychological support program led to observable improvements in socialization levels, self-confidence, and constructive interaction, along with increased scores in adaptability and autonomy. Additionally, it resulted in reduced personal anxiety and emotional tension levels. Conclusion. The psychological support program demonstrated a positive impact on the development of personal qualities among students. Notably, it enhanced their socialization levels, enabling them to accurately assess their capabilities, engage in empathetic listening, maintain emotional stability, and exhibit confident behaviors in various scenarios.


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Author Biography

D. V. Kamenskikh , Irkutsk State University (1 Karl Marx str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russia)



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How to Cite
Kamenskikh, D. (2024). Development of personal and emotional characteristics among students of secondary vocational educational institutions through a psychological support program. Psychology. Psychophysiology, 17(2), 54-63.
Educational psychology