Abstract. Diagnostics of psychoemotional state, as well as the development of a program for mental health recovery are essential for preventing the emotional burnout of fire service employees. Aim. The paper aims to find the relationship between emotional burnout and psychophysiological indicators of fire service employees to predict destructive manifestations. Materials and methods. The research was carried out on the basis of the 22nd Detachment of the Federal Fire Service in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The survey was conducted based on informed consent and involved 46 male firefighters divided into two age groups: from 20 to 35 years old (n = 26) and over 35 years old (n = 20). The following methods were used: psychodiagnostic techniques (Multipsychometer, DIP Scientific and Production Center, Moscow); simple visual-motor reaction (UPTF 1/30, Psychophysiologist, Mediсom MTD, Taganrog). Statistical processing was carried out using MS Excel and SPSS v. 23. Correlation analysis was performed using the Spearman correlation test. Results. Correlations were found between the phase of emotional burnout and the indicators of post-traumatic stress disorder, which had quantitative and qualitative differences depending on the age group. In employees of the younger age group, the integral indicator of emotional burnout was positively correlated with anxiety, uniqueness, inconsistency, social pessimism, memory for images, and negatively correlated with neurotic depression. Fire service employees over 35 years old showed correlations between the integral indicator of emotional burnout, neurotic depression (–) and memory for images (+). Conclusion. The data obtained are the basis for the development of algorithms for predicting destructive manifestations in fire service employees.
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