athletes, gender, sports qualification, specialization, successful neurobiofeedback, alpha stimulating training.
Alpha-stimulating neurobiofeedback is actively introduced into sports training. Successful training contributes to optimal functioning and sports performance enhancement. However, not all athletes are able to achieve their goals. The main problem is the absence of the data explaining the effect of sports qualification, specialization, and gender on successful neurobiofeedback. Aim. The article deals with establishing the correlation between sports qualification, specialization (depending on movement character), gender, and successful neurobiofeedback. Materials and methods. 216 athletes (124 males and 92 females) participated in a 15-day neurobiofeedback course with the Boslab-alpha equipment (Russia). The average age of participants is 19 ± 0.1 years. All participants have 5 or more years of sports experience. All athletes provided their written informed consent for participation in the study. The 25–30-minute sessions of neurobiofeedback were conducted once per day. The electrodes were set up in the frontal and parietal area in a bipolar mode according to the 10–20 international system (F1 and P3). The increase in the spectrum power of alpha range by no less than 10 % compared to the previous session was considered as successful neurobiofeedback. We calculated the percentage of successful and unsuccessful training sessions for each participant. Statistical analysis of the data obtained was performed with the help of SPSS 13.0 software. Results. The study of successful training in athletes divided into groups in terms of gender, sports qualification, and sports specialization did not reveal any statistically significant differences. By using multifactor dispersion analysis, it was established that successful neurobiofeedback in athletes depended on all the abovementioned factors (F = 2.780; P < 0.05). Conclusion. Successful neurobiofeedback in athletes is determined by the combination of three factors (gender, sports specialization, sports qualification), which do not possess significant effect when studied separately.Downloads
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15. Cherapkina L. Bioelectric activity of the brain and the predictive importance of effects of neurobiofeedback course at athletes. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2018, vol. 13, (proc. 2), pp. 370–384.
16. Dupee M., Forneris T., Werthner P. Perceived outcomes of a biofeedback and neurofeedback training intervention for optimal performance: Learning to enhance self-awareness and self-regulation with Olympic athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 2016, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 339–349.
17. Ermutlu N., Yücesir İ., Eskikurt G., Temel T. İşoğlu-Alkaç Ü. Brain electrical activities of dancers and fast ball sports athletes are different. Cognitive neurodynamics, 2015, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 257– 263.
18. Liu Y., Subramaniam S.C.H., Sourina O., Shah E., Chua J., Ivanov K. NeuroFeedback training for enhancement of the focused attention related to athletic performance in elite rifle shooters.
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20. Rijken N.H., Soer R., de Maar E., Prins H., Teeuw W.B., Peuscher J., Oosterveld F.G. Increasing performance of professional soccer players and elite track and field athletes with peak performance training and biofeedback: a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 2016, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 421–430.
21. Strizhkova O., Cherapkina L., Strizhkova T. The neurofeedback course using of high skilled gymnasts at competitive period. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 561–569.
22. Zadkhosh S.M., Zandi H.G., Hemayattalab R. Neurofeedback versus mindfulness on young football players’ anxiety and performance. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 2018, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 132– 141.
2. Eremeeva O.V. [EEG functional test of any strengthening of power of a rhythm of a brain in an alpha range and its results at the athletes who completed a course of neurobiomanagement]. Vestnik YuGU [Yugra State University Bulletin]. 2008, no. 3 (10), pp. 39–47 (in Russ.).
3. Zav'yalov V.Yu., Skok A.B., Shtark M.B., Shubina O.S. [Dynamics of psychophysiological aspects of addictive behavior in the course of use of the alpha stimulating training]. Byulleten' Sibirskog ootdeleniya RAMN [Bulletin of the Siberian office of the Russian Academy of Medical Science]. 1999, no. 1(91), pp. 39–47 (in Russ.).
4. Iordanskaya F.A. [Morphological and functionality of women in the course of long-term adaptation to loadings of modern sport]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture]. 1999, vol. 6, pp. 43–50 (in Russ.).
5. Mokhovikova I.A., Svyatogor I.A. [Criteria for evaluation of success of biomanagement of potentials of a brain]. Bioupravlenie v meditsine i sporte: Materialy VII Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Biomanagement in medicine and sport]. Moscow, 2005, pp. 27–31 (in Russ.).
6. Svyatogor I.A., Mokhovikova I.A., Bekshaev S.S., Frolova T.A. [Assessment of efficiency and success of a method of biological feedback in management of brain potentials]. Biologicheskaya obratnaya svyaz' [Biological feedback], 2000, no. 1, pp. 8–11 (in Russ.).
7. Svyatogor I.A., Mokhovikova I.A. [The nature of reorganizations of statistical structure of interaction of wave components of the electroencephalogram in the course of biomanagement]. Byulleten' sibirskoy meditsiny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine], 2010, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 53–58 (in Russ.).
8. Skrebitskiy V.G., Shtark M.B. [Fundamental bases of plasticity of nervous system]. Vestnik Rossiyskoy akademii meditsinskikh nauk [Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences], 2012, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 39–44 (in Russ.).
9. Soboleva T.S., Azarnykh T.D., Sobolev D.V. [Sex, gender, maskulinnost and female sport]. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta [Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta], 2013, no. 10 (104), pp. 158–162 (in Russ.).
10. Soroko S.I., Trubachev V.V. Neyrofiziologicheskie i psikhofiziologicheskie osnovy adaptivnogo bioupravleniya [Neurophysiological and psychophysiological bases of adaptive biomanagement]. St. Petersburg, Politekhnika-servis, 2010. 607 p. (in Russ.).
11. Strizhkova T.Yu., Cherapkina L.P., Strizhkova O.Yu. [Influence of neurobiomanagement on bioelectric activity of a brain at gymnasts]. Byulleten' sibirskoy meditsiny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine], 2013, vol. 12, no. 2. pp. 227–233 (in Russ.).
12. Trembach A.B., Shestakov O.I., Ponomareva T.V., Minikhanova E.R. [The neurophysiological mechanisms determining the accuracy and stability of purposeful movements on the example of archery]. Fizicheskaya kul'tura, sport – nauka i praktika [Physical culture, sport – science and practice], 2018, no. 4, pp. 82–87 (in Russ.).
13. Tristan V.G., Pogadaeva O.V. Neyrobioupravlenie v sporte [Neurobiofeedback in sport]. Omsk, SibGAFK, 2001. 136 p. (in Russ.).
14. Chernyy S.V., Mishin N.P., Nagaeva E.I. [Features of the electroencephalogram of athletes of acyclic sports]. Ucheny ezapiski Krymskog ofederal'nogo universiteta imeni V.I. Vernadskogo. Biologiya. Khimiya [Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Biology. Chemistry], 2016, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 45–54 (in Russ.).
15. Cherapkina L. Bioelectric activity of the brain and the predictive importance of effects of neurobiofeedback course at athletes. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2018, vol. 13, (proc. 2), pp. 370–384.
16. Dupee M., Forneris T., Werthner P. Perceived outcomes of a biofeedback and neurofeedback training intervention for optimal performance: Learning to enhance self-awareness and self-regulation with Olympic athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 2016, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 339–349.
17. Ermutlu N., Yücesir İ., Eskikurt G., Temel T. İşoğlu-Alkaç Ü. Brain electrical activities of dancers and fast ball sports athletes are different. Cognitive neurodynamics, 2015, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 257– 263.
18. Liu Y., Subramaniam S.C.H., Sourina O., Shah E., Chua J., Ivanov K. NeuroFeedback training for enhancement of the focused attention related to athletic performance in elite rifle shooters.
Transactions on Computational Science XXXII. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018, pp. 106–119.
19. Mikicin M., Orzechowski G., Jurewicz K., Paluch K., Kowalczyk M., Wróbel A. Braintraining for physical performance: a study of EEG-neurofeedback and alpha relaxation training in athletes. ActaNeurobiol Exp., 2015, vol. 75, pp. 434–445.
20. Rijken N.H., Soer R., de Maar E., Prins H., Teeuw W.B., Peuscher J., Oosterveld F.G. Increasing performance of professional soccer players and elite track and field athletes with peak performance training and biofeedback: a pilot study. Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback, 2016, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 421–430.
21. Strizhkova O., Cherapkina L., Strizhkova T. The neurofeedback course using of high skilled gymnasts at competitive period. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 561–569.
22. Zadkhosh S.M., Zandi H.G., Hemayattalab R. Neurofeedback versus mindfulness on young football players’ anxiety and performance. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 2018, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 132– 141.
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How to Cite
Cherapkina, L. (2019). FACTORS DETERMINING SUCCESSFUL NEUROBIOFEEDBACK IN ATHLETES. Psychology. Psychophysiology, 12(2), 80-88. https://doi.org/10.14529/jpps190207
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