Current Issue

The journal publishes the main scientific results of fundamental and applied research in psychology and psychophysiology.
The mission of the journal is to disseminate modern scientific knowledge and the best domestic and foreign practices in psychology and psychophysiology, as well as to maintain the interest of readers in original research and innovative approaches in this field.
The function of the journal is realized by its active participation in the creation of an international integrated scientific space through the publication of open research by domestic and foreign experts in psychology and psychophysiology. In the journal, priority is given to publications of a discussion and interdisciplinary nature, including those written by international teams of authors both in English and / or with extended English abstracts.
The target audience of the journal includes scientific and education workers, other experts in psychology and psychophysiology, doctoral students, postgraduate students, Master’s students, undergraduate students, as well as other persons interested in the issues covered in the journal.
Journal sections:
- General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology
- Psychophysiology
- Medical psychology
- Social psychology
- Educational psychology
The journal Psychology. Psychophysiology is a Russian scientific journal working on the principles of the Open Science paradigm and providing free access for any readers and authors to its full-text issues hosted on the eLIBRARY.RU platform and other electronic resources.
The journal Psychology. Psychophysiology assumes obligations, traditions, and rights of the Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series Psychology. it is established by the South Ural State University in 2008.
In connection with the general course of the founder and publisher of the journal, the South Ural State University (National Research University), to increase its academic reputation as one of the scientific and educational centers in psychology and psychophysiology recognized in the Russian Federation and abroad, starting from the second quarter 2019, the journal is published under the name Psychology. Psychophysiology. At the same time, the previously formed principles of editorial policy and ethics, the rules of the editorial board and the editorial council are maintained and ensured with the maximum continuity of the staff.
ISSN 2686-7281 (Print)
ISSN 2686-729X (Online)