Нестабильные психические состояния у обучающихся-спортсменов
Введение. Обоснование детерминант и видов неравновесных психических состояний у молодежи, сочетающей спортивную и образовательную деятельность, является предметом пристального внимания зарубежных специалистов и весьма актуальным аспектом отечественных исследований в области психофизиологии состояний, в том числе у обучающихся-спортсменов олимпийского резерва. Цель исследования – обзор и аналитическое обоснование противоречий, отражающих теоретические и эмпирические подходы к программам формирования у обучающихся-спортсменов способов управления психическим состоянием. Методология исследования. Проведен анализ 130 источников, размещенных в поисковых платформах РИНЦ и Web of Science, критериями отбора которых являлся период 2016–2021 гг. и ключевые слова «student», «sport*», «mental health». Применены методы аналогии, сопоставления, обобщения и конкретизации. Результаты. Представлено обобщенное понятие «психическое состояние» человека, описаны виды и выявленные характеристики негативных (неравновесных) психических состояний у обучающихся-спортсменов. Описаны способы управления поведением (самоконтроль и саморегуляция) как варианты формирования и обеспечения психофизиологической надежности и прогнозирования спортивного долголетия. Заключение. Сочетанность спортивной и образовательной деятельности актуализирует перспективные научные направления разработки и применения психофизиологических технологий повышения психической устойчивости у обучающихся-спортсменов. Обоснован потенциал авторских психологических и психофизиологических методов сопровождения спортсменов, в том числе реализованных с помощью цифровых технологий.
2. Особенности психосоматических нарушений высококвалифицированных спортсменов / И.Н. Митин, А.Е. Горовая, Д.А. Кравчук [и др.] // Спортивная медицина: наука и практика. 2018. № 8 (2). С. 54–61.
3. The prevalence of mental health problems in elite athletes / C. Akesdotter, G. Kentta, S. Eloranta, J. Franck // Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2020. Vol. 23 (4). P. 329–335.
4. Хвацкая Е.Е., Ильина Н.Л. Ретроспективный подход в исследовании «двойной» карьеры у спортсменов // Спортивный психолог. 2018. № 1. С. 45–48.
5. Байгужин П.А., Шибкова Д.З., Савченков А.В. Обоснование подхода к оцениванию психофизиологического статуса и профессиональных качеств личности // Вестник психофизиологии. 2017. № 3. С. 80–87.
6. Физическая активность как фактор повышения качества жизни студентов / М.М. Колокольцев, С.С. Ермаков, Н.В. Третьякова [и др.] // Образование и наука. 2020. Т. 22. № 5. С. 150–168.
7. Бабина А.А., Саламатин М.Н., Толстоухова И.В. Проблема реализации «двойной карьеры» в восприятии студентами-спортсменами // Известия Тульского государственного университета. Физическая культура. Спорт. 2019. № 8. С. 58–64.
8. Sullivan P., Blacker M., Murphy J. Levels of psychological distress of Canadian university student-athletes // Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 2019. Vol. 49 (1). P. 47–59.
9. Correlates of health in adolescent elite athletes and adolescents: A cross-sectional study of 1016 adolescents / P. von Rosen, O. Olofsson, S. Vasbom, A. Heijne // European Journal of Sport Science. 2019. Vol. 19 (5). P. 707–716.
10. Risk for depression and psychological well-being in German national and state team athletes-associations with age, gender, and performance level / J. Belz, J. Kleinert, J. Ohlert et al. // Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. 2018. Vol. 12 (2). P. 160–178.
11. Prevalence of anxiety, depression and stress symptoms and its association with neck/shoulder pain in adolescents athletes / H.A. Silva, M.P. Passos, V.A. Oliveira et al. // Motricidade. 2017. Vol. 13 (4). P. 13–22.
12. Age of first exposure to American football and behavioral, cognitive, psychological, and physical outcomes in high school and collegiate football players / B.L. Brett, D.L. Huber, A. Wild et al. // Sports Health-a Multidisciplinary Approach. 2019. Vol. 11 (4). P. 332–342.
13. The mental health of Australian elite athletes / A. Gulliver, K.M. Griffiths, A. Mackinnon et al. // Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2015. Vol. 18 (3). P. 255–261.
14. The prevalence of failure-based depression among elite athletes / T. Hammond, C. Gial-loreto, H. Kubas, H. Hap Davis // Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2013. Vol. 23 (4). P. 273–277.
15. Association Between Participating in Noncompetitive or Competitive Sports and Mental Health among Adolescents – a Norwegian Population-based Cross-sectional Study / S. Breistol, J. Clench-Aas, B. Van Roy, R. K. Raanaas // Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. 2017. Vol. 5 (1). P. 28–38.
16. Physical activity and sport participation among adolescents: associations with mental health in different age groups. Results from the Young-HUNT study: a cross-sectional survey / M.H. Guddal, S.O. Stensland, M.C. Smastuen et al. // BMJ Open. 2019. Vol. 9 (9). DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028555.
17. He J.-P., Paksarian D., Merikangas K.R. Physical activity and mental disorder among adolescents in the United States // Journal of Adolescent Health. 2018. Vol. 63 (5). P. 628–635.
18. Дарвиш О.Б. Психологическая устойчивость как базовая характеристика личности // Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2003. № 7. С. 362–370.
19. Prospective associations between sport participation and psychological adjustment in adolescents / F.N. Briere, G. Yale-Souliere, D. Gonzalez-Sicilia et al. // Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2018. Vol. 72 (7). P. 575–581.
20. Alpine Ski Coaches and Athletes Perceptions of Factors Influencing Adaptation to Stress in the Classroom and on the Slopes / P. Davis, A. Halvarsson, W. Lundstrom, C. Lundqvist // Frontiers in Psychology. 2019. Vol. 10. № art. 1641. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01641.
21. Моросанова В.И. Психология профессиональной деятельности дифференциальный подход к психической саморегуляции: исследование действий профессионала // Психологический журнал. 2012. T. 33 (3). С. 98–111.
22. Ивашко С.Г., Якутина М.И. Обоснование необходимости освоения навыков саморегуляции юными спортсменами // Ученые записки Белорусского государственного университета физической культуры. 2018. № 21. С. 111–115.
23. Марищук В.Л., Евдокимов В.И. Поведение и саморегуляция человека в условиях стресса. Санкт-Петербург: Сентябрь, 2001. 260 с.
24. Baron-Thiene A., Alfermann D. Personal characteristics as predictors for dual career dropout versus continuation – A prospective study of adolescent athletes from German elite sport schools // Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2015. Vol. 21. P. 42–49.
25. Gonzalez-Hernandez J., Capilla Diaz C., Gomez-Lopez M. Impulsiveness and cognitive patterns. Understanding the perfectionistic responses in Spanish competitive junior athletes // Frontiers in Psychology. 2019. Vol.10 (1605). P. 1–8.
26. Разработка экспресс-программ медико-биологического и психологического сопровождения юных акробатов и батутистов на основе изучения динамики показателей комплексного контроля / А.В. Плешкань, Г.Ю. Масенко, Д.А. Плотников [и др.] // Актуальные вопросы физической культуры и спорта. 2015. № 17. С. 131–139.
27. Schwab L.R. Pittsinger R., Yang J. Effectiveness of psychological intervention following sport injury // Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2012. Vol. 1. P. 71–79.
28. Байгужин П.А., Шибкова Д.З., Айзман Р.И. Факторы, влияющие на психофизиологические процессы восприятия информации в условиях информатизации образовательной среды // Science for Education Today. 2019. T. 9. № 5. С. 48–70.
29. Longitudinal trajectories of emotions among young athletes involving in intense training centres: Do emotional intelligence and emotional regulation matter? / V. Cece, E. Guillet-Descas, V. Nicaise et al. // Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2019. Vol. 43. P. 128–136.
30. Карина О.В., Киселева М.А., Шустова Е. Проявление перфекционизма у молодых спортсменов // Казанская наука. 2011. № 10. P. 336–338.
31. Гаранян Н.Г. Перфекционизм и психические расстройства (обзор зарубежных эмпирических исследований) // Современная терапия психических расстройств. 2006. № 1. С. 31–41.
32. Madigan D.J., Stoeber J., Passfield L. Perfectionism and training distress in junior athletes: a longitudinal investigation // Journal of Sports Sciences. 2017. Vol. 35 (5). P. 470–475.
33. Are adolescent elite athletes less psychologically distressed than controls? A cross-sectional study of 966 Norwegian adolescents / J.H. Rosenvinge, J. Sundgot-Borgen, G. Pettersen et al. // Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018. Vol. 9. P. 115–123.
34. Antecedents and consequences of student-athletes identity profiles in upper secondary school / A. Moazami-Goodarzi, M. Sorkkila, K. Aunola, T.V. Ryba // Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2020. Vol. 42 (2). P. 132–142.
35. Fernandes A., Moreira L., Goncalves C. Student-athletes identity and motivation towards dual career: the context matters // Kinesiologia Slovenica. 2019. Vol. 25 (2). P. 15–29.
36. Ronkainen N. J., Ryba T. V., Selänne H. «She is where Id want to be in my career»: Youth athletes role models and their implications for career and identity construction // Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2019. Vol. 45. No. art. 101562. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101562.
37. van Rens F. E. C. A., Ashley R. A., Steele A. R. Well-Being and performance in dual careers: the role of academic and athletic identities // Sport Psychologist. 2019. Vol. 33 (1). P. 42–51.
38. The codevelopmental dynamic of sport and school burnout among student-athletes: The role of achievement goals / M. Sorkkila, K. Aunola, K. Salmela-Aro et al. // Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2018. Vol. 28 (6). P. 1731–1742.
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41. Martinez-Alvarado J.R., Guillen F., Feltz D. Athletes motivational needs regarding burnout and engagement // Revista de psicologia del deporte. 2016. Vol. 24 (1). P. 65–71.
42. The role of resilience in student-athletes sport and school burnout and dropout: A longitudinal person-oriented study / M. Sorkkila, A. Tolvanen, K. Aunola, T.V. Ryba // Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2019. Vol. 29 (7). P. 1059–1067.
43. Гринь О.Р., Гринь А.Р. Вдосконалення актуального психічного стану спортсменів із-за стосуванням заходів психокорекції // Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. 2020. № 3-4(59). С. 20–27
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47. Психолого-педагогические методы коррекции поведения спортсменов (гештальт-терапевтический аспект) / Ю.Н. Кузнецова, И.Б. Ильченко, А.Н. Забиров, В.А. Сивков // Казанский педагогический журнал. 2020. № 6(143). С. 280–286.
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49. Саморукова М.А. Применение метода арт-терапии в психологическом сопровождении спортсменок игровых видов спорта («Моя команда в образе цветов») // Спортивный психолог. 2014. № 3 (34). С. 61–65.
1. Krokinskaya O. K., Nemirova N. V. Pupils of the childrens olympic reserve sports school: social well-being and life strategies. Sotsiologicheskiy zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 2018;24(1):34–54. (in Russ.)2. Mitin I.N., Gorovaya A.E., Kravchuk D.A., Dobrushina O.R., Zholinskii A.V. Aspects of psychosomatic disorders in highly qualified athletes. Sportivnaya meditsina: nauka i praktika = Sports medicine: research and practice. 2018;8(2):54–61. (in Russ.)
3. Akesdotter C., Kentta G., Eloranta S., Franck J. The prevalence of mental health problems in elite athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2020;23(4):329–335.
4. Khvatskaya E.E., Ilina N.L. Retrospective approach in research of “dual” career in athletes. Sportivnyi psikholog = Sports Psychologist. 2018;1:45–48. (in Russ.)
5. Baiguzhin P.A., Shibkova D.Z., Savchenkov A.V. Rationale of approach to evaluation of psychophysiological status and professional personal quality. Vestnik psikhofiziologii = Bulletin of psychophysiology. 2017;3:80–87. (In Russ.)
6. Kolokoltsev M.M., Ermakov S.S., Tretyakova N.V., Krainik V.L., Romanova E.V. Physical activity as a factor to improve the quality of student life. Obrazovanie i nauka = The Educa-tion and Science Journal. 2020;22(5):150–168. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2020-5-150-168. (in Russ.)
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8. Sullivan P., Blacker M., Murphy J. Levels of psychological distress of Canadian university student-athletes. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 2019;49(1):47–59.
9. von Rosen P., Olofsson O., Vasbom S., Heijne A. Correlates of health in adolescent elite athletes and adolescents: A cross-sectional study of 1016 adolescents. European Journal of Sport Science. 2019;19(5):707–716.
10. Belz J., Kleinert J., Ohlert J., Rau T., Allroggen M. Risk for depression and psychological well-being in German national and state team athletes-associations with age, gender, and performance level. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. 2018;12(2):160–178.
11. Silva H.A., Passos M.P., Oliveira V.A., Silva Y.A., Pitangui A.C.R., Araújo R.C. Prevalence of anxiety, depression and stress symptoms and its association with neck/shoulder pain in adolescents athletes. Motricidade. 2017;13(4):13–22.
12. Brett B.L., Huber D.L., Wild A., Nelson L.D., McCrea M.A. Age of first exposure to American football and behavioral, cognitive, psychological, and physical outcomes in high school and collegiate football players. Sports Health-a Multidisciplinary Approach. 2019;11(4):332–342.
13. Gulliver A., Griffiths K.M., Mackinnon A., Batterham P.J., Stanimirovic R. The mental health of Australian elite athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2015;18(3):255–261.
14. Hammond T., Gialloreto C., Kubas H., Hap Davis H. The prevalence of failure-based depression among elite athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2013;23(4):P. 273–277.
15. Breistol S., Clench-Aas J., Van Roy B., Raanaas R.K. Association Between Participating in Noncompetitive or Competitive Sports and Mental Health among Adolescents – a Norwegian Population-based Cross-sectional Study. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. 2017;5(1):28–38.
16. Guddal M.H., Stensland S.O., Smastuen M. C., Johnsen M.B., Zwart J.-A., Storheim K. Physical activity and sport participation among adolescents: associations with mental health in different age groups. Results from the Young-HUNT study: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open. 2019;9(9). DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028555.
17. He J.-P., Paksarian D., Merikangas K.R. Physical activity and mental disorder among adolescents in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2018;63(5):628–635.
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19. Briere F.N., Yale-Souliere G., Gonzalez-Sicilia D., Harbec M.-J., Morizot J., Janosz M., Pagani L.S. Prospective associations between sport participation and psychological adjustment in adolescents. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2018;72 (7):575–581.
20. Davis P., Halvarsson A., Lundstrom W., Lundqvist C. Alpine Ski Coaches and Athletes Perceptions of Factors Influencing Adaptation to Stress in the Classroom and on the Slopes. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019;10:1641. DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01641.
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24. Baron-Thiene A., Alfermann D. Personal characteristics as predictors for dual career dropout versus continuation – A prospective study of adolescent athletes from German elite sport schools. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2015;21:42–49.
25. Gonzalez-Hernandez J., Capilla Diaz C., Gomez-Lopez M. Impulsiveness and cognitive patterns. understanding the perfectionistic responses in Spanish competitive junior athletes. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019;10(1605):1–8.
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27. Schwab L.R. Pittsinger R., Yang J. Effectiveness of psychological intervention following sport injury. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2012;1:71–79.
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29. Cece V., Guillet-Descas E., Nicaise V., Lienhart N., Martinent G. Longitudinal trajectories of emotions among young athletes involving in intense training centres: Do emotional intelligence and emotional regulation matter? Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2019;43:128–136.
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32. Madigan D.J., Stoeber J., Passfield L. Perfectionism and training distress in junior athletes: a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2017;35(5):470–475.
33. Rosenvinge J.H., Sundgot-Borgen J., Pettersen G., Martinsen M., Stornaes A.V., Pensgaard A.M. Are adolescent elite athletes less psychologically distressed than controls? A cross-sectional study of 966 Norwegian adolescents. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018;9:115–123.
34. Moazami-Goodarzi A., Sorkkila M., Aunola K., Ryba T.V. Antecedents and consequences of student-athletes identity profiles in upper secondary school. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2020;42(2):132–142.
35. Fernandes A., Moreira L., Goncalves C. Student-athletes identity and motivation towards dual career: the context matters. Kinesiologia Slovenica. 2019;25(2):15–29.
36. Ronkainen N.J., Ryba T.V., Selänne H. “She is where Id want to be in my career”: Youth athletes role models and their implications for career and identity construction. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2019;45:101562. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101562.
37. van Rens F.E.C.A., Ashley R.A., Steele A.R. Well-Being and performance in dual careers: the role of academic and athletic identities. Sport Psychologist. 2019;33(1):42–51.
38. Sorkkila M., Aunola K., Salmela-Aro K., Tolvanen A., Ryba, T.V. The codevelopmental dynamic of sport and school burnout among student-athletes: The role of achievement goals. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 2018;28(6):1731–1742.
39. Varlamov V.A. The impact of burnout on the motivation of young athletes. Innovatsionnoe razvitie = Innovative development. 2017;12(17):193–194 (in Russ.).
40. Berilova E.I. Personal factors for beating female soccer players burnout. Fizicheskaya kultura, sport – nauka i praktika = Physical culture, sport-science and practice. 2018;4:109–114. (in Russ.).
41. Martinez-Alvarado J.R., Guillen F., Feltz D. Athletes motivational needs regarding burnout and engagement. Revista de psicologia del deporte. 2016;24(1):65–71.
42. Sorkkila M., Tolvanen A., Aunola K., Ryba T.V. The role of resilience in student-athletes sport and school burnout and dropout: A longitudinal person-oriented study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2019;29(7):1059–1067.
43. Grin O.R., Grin A.R. Improvement of the actual mental state of athletes with the use of psycho-correction measures. Aktualnye nauchnye issledovaniya v sovremennom mire = Current scientific research in the modern world. 2020;3-4(59):20–27. (in Ukrainian).
44. Bobrishchev A.A. Audiovisual correction of the mental state and performance of highly qualified athletes. Vestnik psikhoterapii = Bulletin of psychotherapy. 2007;22(27):61–62. (in Russ.).
45. Minullin A.Z., Shibkova D.Z. Investigation of psychophysiological features of adaptation of boxers aged 13-14 to competitive stress against the background of the application of the authors program. Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniya = Successes of modern natural science. 2014;1:23–26. (in Russ.).
46. Kuzmin M.A., Rodygina Yu.K. Prestarting conditions in activity iof athletes of various specializataons. Problemy sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya = Problems of modern pedagogical education. 2016;51-1:297–307. (in Russ.).
47. Kuznetsova Yu., Ilchenko I., Zabirov A., Sivkov V. Psychological and pedagogical methods of correction of athletes behavior (gestalt-therapeutic aspect). Kazanskii pedagogicheskii zhurnal = Kazan Pedagogical Journal. 2020;6(143):280–286. (in Russ.).
48. Chernykh A.A. Photographic image as a tool for diagnosis and correction of the mental state of a martial artist. Vestnik sportivnoi nauki = Bulletin of Sports Science. 2008;1:60–63. (in Russ.).
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