Взаимосвязь киберлафинга и особенностей медиапотребления у подростков
Введение. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии давно стали неотъемлемой частью образования и обучения. При этом не до конца изучены последствия и риски подобной интеграции, к которым относится киберлафинг учащихся (то есть использование интернет-технологий во время уроков для целей, не связанных с учебными задачами). Цель исследования: изучение корреляции между киберлафингом и особенностями медиапотребления подростков. Материалы и методы. Участниками опроса стал 121 подросток 13–15 лет. Для сбора данных использованы шкала киберлафинга и опросник «Индивидуальный стиль медиапотребления», для обработки результатов – коэффициент ранговой корреляции r-Спирмена. Расчеты проводились с применением IBM SPSS Statistics v. 23.0. Результаты. Выявлено, что во время уроков подростки ищут в сети нужную информацию или общаются и считают себя средними или продвинутыми пользователями сети. Наиболее популярными источниками информации являются интернет, книги и телевидение. Частота использования интернета положительно коррелируют с частотой использования интернета во время уроков для общения, покупок и поиска информации. Уровень использования интернета положительно коррелирует с использованием интернета во время уроков для совершения покупок, поиска информации и игр. Волевой контроль медиапотребления отрицательно коррелирует с частотой поиска информации в сети, а уровень эмоционально-познавательной вовлеченности в медиапространство положительно коррелирует с частотой игрового поведения на уроке. Заключение. Результаты исследования показывают, что формирование киберлафинга связано с количественными и качественными особенностями медиапотребления подростков. Уровень киберлафинга зависит от медиакомпетенции, а также от особенностей восприятия и переработки медиа информации.
2. Cristia А., Seidl А. Parental Reports on Touch Screen Use in Early Childhood. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0128338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0128338
3. Sivrikova N.V., Ptashko T.G., Perebeynos A.E., Chernikova E.G., Gilyazeva N.V., Vasilyeva V.S. Parental reports on digital devices use in infancy and early childhood. Education and Information Technologies. 2020;25:3957–3973. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10145-z
4. Özcan S., Gökçearslan Ş., Yüksel A.O. An investigation of the relationship between cyberloafing and academic motivation among university students. Küreselleşen dünyada eğitim. 2017:733–742. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14527/9786053188407.52
5. Burleson J., Greenbaum B.E. When Spheres Collide: A Refocused Research Framework for Personal Use of Technology at Work. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 2019;45:411–432. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04523
6. Lim V.K.G. The IT way of loafing on the job: Cyberloafing, neutralizing and organizational justice. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2002;23(5):675–694. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/job.161
7. Durak H.Y. Cyberloafing in Learning Environments Where Online Social Networking Sites Are Used as Learning Tools: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 2020;58(3):539–569. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0735633119867766
8. Wu J., Mei W., Liu L., Ugrin J.C. The bright and dark sides of social cyberloafing: Effects on employee mental health in China. Journal of Business Research. 2020;112:56–64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.02.043
Wu J., Mei W., Ugrin J., Liu L., Wang F. Curvilinear performance effects of social cyberloafing out of class: the mediating role as a recovery experience. Information Technology and People. 2020;34(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-03-2019-0105
10. Kim S. Managing millennials personal use of technology at work. Business Horizons. 2018;61(2):261–270. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2017.11.007
11. Koay K.Y. Workplace ostracism and cyberloafing: a moderated–mediation model. Internet Research. 2018;28(4):1122–1141. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IntR-07-2017-0268
12. ONeill T.A., Hambley L.A., Chatellier G.S. Cyberslacking, engagement, and personality in distributed work environments. Computers in Human Behavior. 2014;40:152–160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.08.005
13. Ugrin J.C., Pearson J.M., Nickle S.M. An Examination of the Relationship between Culture and Cyberloafing Using the Hofstede Model. Journal of Internet Commerce. 2018;17(1):46–63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/ 15332861.2018.1424395
14. Sivrikova N., Roslyakova S., Sokolova N., Moiseeva E. Assessing of use of the Internet for personal reasons at lessons at school: A Validation of the Cyberloafing Scale. SHS Web of Conferences. 2019;70:06010. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20197006010
15. Yilmaz F.G.K., Yilmaz R., Öztürk H.T., Sezer B., Karademir T. Cyberloafing as a barrier to the successful integration of information and communication technologies into teaching and learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior. 2015;45:290–298. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.023
16. Zhang J., Akhtar M.N., Zhang Y., Sun S. Are overqualified employees bad apples? A dual-pathway model of cyberloafing. Internet Research. 2019;30(1):289–313. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1108/INTR-10-2018-0469
17. Tanrıverdi Ö., Karaca F. Investigating the Relationships between Adolescents Levels of Cognitive Absorption and Cyberloafing Activities according to Demographic Characteristics. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions. 2018;5(2): 285–315. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15805/ ad-dicta.2018.5.2.0052
18. Kian-Yeik K. Assessing cyberloafing behaviour among university students: A validation of the cyberloafing scale. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 2018;26(1):409–424.
19. Kramer M. How much does technology weigh on the work-life balance scale? A qualitative study showing the influence of personal technology usage at the workplace on work-life balance. Mens en Maatschappij. 2019;94(1):5–28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5117/MEM2019.1.002.KRAM
20. Yılmaz R., Yurdugül H. Cyberloafing in IT classrooms: exploring the role of the psychosocial environment in the classroom, attitude to computers and computing courses, motivation and learning strategies. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 2018;30(3):530–552. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s12528-018-9184-2
21. Mercado B.K., Giordano C., Dilchert S. A meta-analytic investigation of cyberloafing. Ca-reer Development International. 2017;22(5):546–564. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/CDI-08-2017-0142
22. Joseph G.V., Thomas K.A. Volatility of Digital Technology Enabled Learning- Genimon Vadakkemulanjanal. Test Engineering and Management. 2020;82:832–5839. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11847258.v2
1. Saritepeci М. Predictors of cyberloafing among high school students: unauthorized access to school network, metacognitive awareness and smartphone addiction. Education and Information Technologies. 2020; 25(3):2201–2219. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-10042-02. Cristia А., Seidl А. Parental Reports on Touch Screen Use in Early Childhood. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0128338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0128338
3. Sivrikova N.V., Ptashko T.G., Perebeynos A.E., Chernikova E.G., Gilyazeva N.V., Vasilyeva V.S. Parental reports on digital devices use in infancy and early childhood. Education and Information Technologies. 2020;25:3957–3973. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-020-10145-z
4. Özcan S., Gökçearslan Ş., Yüksel A.O. An investigation of the relationship between cyberloafing and academic motivation among university students. Küreselleşen dünyada eğitim. 2017:733–742. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14527/9786053188407.52
5. Burleson J., Greenbaum B.E. When Spheres Collide: A Refocused Research Framework for Personal Use of Technology at Work. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 2019;45:411–432. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04523
6. Lim V.K.G. The IT way of loafing on the job: Cyberloafing, neutralizing and organizational justice. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2002;23(5):675–694. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/job.161
7. Durak H.Y. Cyberloafing in Learning Environments Where Online Social Networking Sites Are Used as Learning Tools: Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 2020;58(3):539–569. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0735633119867766
8. Wu J., Mei W., Liu L., Ugrin J.C. The bright and dark sides of social cyberloafing: Effects on employee mental health in China. Journal of Business Research. 2020;112:56–64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.02.043
Wu J., Mei W., Ugrin J., Liu L., Wang F. Curvilinear performance effects of social cyberloafing out of class: the mediating role as a recovery experience. Information Technology and People. 2020;34(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-03-2019-0105
10. Kim S. Managing millennials personal use of technology at work. Business Horizons. 2018;61(2):261–270. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2017.11.007
11. Koay K.Y. Workplace ostracism and cyberloafing: a moderated–mediation model. Internet Research. 2018;28(4):1122–1141. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IntR-07-2017-0268
12. ONeill T.A., Hambley L.A., Chatellier G.S. Cyberslacking, engagement, and personality in distributed work environments. Computers in Human Behavior. 2014;40:152–160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.08.005
13. Ugrin J.C., Pearson J.M., Nickle S.M. An Examination of the Relationship between Culture and Cyberloafing Using the Hofstede Model. Journal of Internet Commerce. 2018;17(1):46–63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/ 15332861.2018.1424395
14. Sivrikova N., Roslyakova S., Sokolova N., Moiseeva E. Assessing of use of the Internet for personal reasons at lessons at school: A Validation of the Cyberloafing Scale. SHS Web of Conferences. 2019;70:06010. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20197006010
15. Yilmaz F.G.K., Yilmaz R., Öztürk H.T., Sezer B., Karademir T. Cyberloafing as a barrier to the successful integration of information and communication technologies into teaching and learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior. 2015;45:290–298. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2014.12.023
16. Zhang J., Akhtar M.N., Zhang Y., Sun S. Are overqualified employees bad apples? A dual-pathway model of cyberloafing. Internet Research. 2019;30(1):289–313. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1108/INTR-10-2018-0469
17. Tanrıverdi Ö., Karaca F. Investigating the Relationships between Adolescents Levels of Cognitive Absorption and Cyberloafing Activities according to Demographic Characteristics. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions. 2018;5(2): 285–315. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15805/ ad-dicta.2018.5.2.0052
18. Kian-Yeik K. Assessing cyberloafing behaviour among university students: A validation of the cyberloafing scale. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 2018;26(1):409–424.
19. Kramer M. How much does technology weigh on the work-life balance scale? A qualitative study showing the influence of personal technology usage at the workplace on work-life balance. Mens en Maatschappij. 2019;94(1):5–28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5117/MEM2019.1.002.KRAM
20. Yılmaz R., Yurdugül H. Cyberloafing in IT classrooms: exploring the role of the psychosocial environment in the classroom, attitude to computers and computing courses, motivation and learning strategies. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 2018;30(3):530–552. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s12528-018-9184-2
21. Mercado B.K., Giordano C., Dilchert S. A meta-analytic investigation of cyberloafing. Ca-reer Development International. 2017;22(5):546–564. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/CDI-08-2017-0142
22. Joseph G.V., Thomas K.A. Volatility of Digital Technology Enabled Learning- Genimon Vadakkemulanjanal. Test Engineering and Management. 2020;82:832–5839. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11847258.v2
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