The relationship between the motivations for education and resilience in students from different fields of study
Introduction. The resilience of a student is conditioned by the formation of his or her professional competency. Aims. To identify the relationship between motivations for education and resilience in students from different fields of study. Materials and methods. The study involved 417 university students of both sexes with a mean age of 21.0 ± 1.1 years. The students represented the following fields of study: pedagogy, engineering, physical education and sport, and law. Their level of resilience and motivations for education were estimated simultaneously. Correlation analysis was performed with the SPSS Statistics v. 23 software. Results. The level of motivation for education is predetermined by the corresponding level of resilience. The higher the level of resilience, the higher the score of communicative, professional, and creative motivations. Motivations for prestige and social motivations are not associated with resilience in students. A relationship was found between the components of resilience and motivations for educational and professional activities in students with different levels of resilience. During the study period, motivations act as a functional system, the structure of which is determined and characterized by the components of resilience. The level of resilience in students is determined by the system “motivations for education – resilience”. A key, non-specific characteristic is the relationship between motivations for study and the awareness of life scale. Motivations for prestige and social motivations for study were found only in students with low levels of resilience. Conclusion. Professional and cognitive motivations, regardless of the field of study, are among the leading ones for the educational and professional activities of modern university students. The relationship between the parameters of resilience and motivations for education is mediated by the field of study and level of resilience. The prospects for further research have been identified.
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