Resilience as a resource for the adaptation of foreign students
Introduction. Adaptation of foreign students to new social and cultural conditions remains relevant due to the growing number of such students in Russian educational institutions and arises from the personal difficulties foreign students have to face. Aims: to determine the severity of resilience in subjects with different types of social and psychological adaptation, thus clarifying its role as an adaptation resource.
Materials and methods. This paper involves the analysis of literature sources and psychodiagnostic methods, including the hardiness survey and the social and cultural adaptation questionnaire. The data obtained was processed by measuring the central tendency, performing correlation analysis, and identifying significant differences with the Student's t-test. The sample involved 128 foreign students from Russian universities. Results. The role and state of resilience as the most important personal adaptation resource for foreign students were established. The distribution of students was performed with respect to the components of resilience and types of adaptation. Conclusion. The novelty of this approach is associated with establishing the relationship between the components of resilience and the personal characteristics of the subjects who demonstrate a positive or negative type of adaptation.
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