Typological and multidimensional approaches to the classification of depressive personality traits
Introduction. The study of depressive personality traits is relevant due to the following reasons:
a) they can be a predictor of depression, b) they are an independent phenomenon not sufficiently separated from depression, c) personality traits can change as a result of depression. Aim. The paper aims to analyze the typological and multidimensional approaches to the classification of depressive personality traits.
Materials and methods. The paper involves the search for dissertations and abstracts in electronic databases and libraries (eLibrary, Cyberleninka, Sci-hub, RSL, etc.) followed by analysis of the references indicated in dissertations, especially those that are mentioned repeatedly. The data obtained were grouped with respect to the similarity of views expressed by the authors. Results. In the course of the study, a general view of the classification of depressive personality traits within the typological and multidimensional approaches was analyzed. The typological approach identifies personality types and their qualitative features, which allow to define different types of depressive personality and to describe the main characteristics of a person and events that can be used for life prediction. The multidimensional approach is focused on the quantitative features of personality. Therefore, a basis is identified that reflects all significant measurements, which are a quantitative reflection of depressive personality traits. Conclusion: Thus, there is a need for the qualitative separation of depressive personality from other personality types with the subsequent creation of a typology of subtypes based on depressive personality traits. At the same time, the multidimensional approach makes it possible to single out depressive personality traits in people who do not belong to the depressive personality type.
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