Abstract. The paper aims to summarize modern research dedicated to the physiological mechanisms of neuroplasticity, which is considered as the basis of mental processes and socio-professional adaptation. Analysis of literary sources allowed to define neuroplasticity as the ability of the brain to adapt to internal and external circumstances through optimal structural and functional changes. The basis of neuroplasticity is a complex chain of events associated with neurogenesis and apoptosis, synaptic plasticity, changes in the electrical excitability of nerve cells, gene expression, and neuron-glial interactions. The second part of the review considers the physiological mechanisms of neuroplasticity, which are associated with expression of early and late genes. The expression of these genes is the result of long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission. The physiological role of these genetic factors in neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity, emotional and cognitive processes, adaptive behavior and intellectual development was described. The review also considers research on the role of microglia and macroglia in neuroplasticity, mental processes and their electrophysiological correlates, which provide adaptation to the social environment.
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