Abstract. The scientific literature shows that a systematic analysis of resilience in the structure of human individuality has not been a topic of special research. Therefore, this article aims to describe the structure of resilience and to find its relationships with multilevel features of individuality. Materials and methods. The following methods were used for the purpose of the study: E. Rylskaya Human Resilience Test, J. Strelau Questionnaire, G. Eysenck Personality Inventory, V. Rusalov Formal-Dynamic Personality Inventory, Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Freiburg Personality Inventory, T. Leary Interpersonal Checklist, Rokeach Value Survey, Locus of Control Scale. The data obtained were processed with parametric methods (Student's t-criterion, Pearson correlation analysis) using the SPSS 20.0 statistical software package. Results: A correlation was found between resilience and such properties of the nervous system as the strength of excitation and mobility. The inverse relationship was observed between resilience and neuroticism, and a direct one between resilience and communicative ergicity. At the personality level, the closest positive correlations were recorded between resilience and sociability/courage, while the negative ones were found for neuroticism, depressiveness, and emotional lability. At the value level, resilience and its components were associated with both core values/goals (active life, financial independence, friends, social recognition, knowledge, freedom of expression, ability to be happy for someone, adequate self-esteem) and values/means (optimism, diligence, intelligence, self-control, honesty). At the socio-psychological level, resilience was associated with internality in terms of failures and achievements, production and interpersonal relations.
Conclusion: Resilience can be considered as integration of personal characteristics, therefore, the main role in its formation belongs to personal and social-psychological levels. The data obtained for students partially confirm the results of adult respondents and demonstrate the unitarity of personal and communicative components as the most important determinants of resilience.
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