Background. The relevance of the study is associated with the need to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent the development of mental disorders in law enforcement officers and to form a stable psychological adaptation to high-intensity stressors when working in extreme conditions. Aim. The paper aims to evaluate the adaptability of people of extreme jobs with different indicators of regulatory systems during stress modeling. Materials and methods. 158 male officers of law enforcement agencies aged from 18 to 49 years with various types of professional activity were examined: 1) security profile – 24 employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; 2) sensory-motor/sensory-gnostic profile – 92 males of military contract service of the Armed forces of Russia; 3) team profile – 42 officers of the Armed forces of Russia. The use of biofeedback data allowed to evaluate the indicators of regulatory systems in the initial functional state and during stress modeling. The study of individual psychological features was conducted using a battery of psychological tests. Results. Individual psychological features of professional reliability in law enforcement officers with high, medium and low indicators of regulatory systems during stress modeling were determined. It was revealed that individuals with exhausted regulatory systems were characterized by a low autonomy of regulatory processes, difficulties in goals setting, an expanded sphere of saving emotions, and low activation of behavior aimed at pleasure seeking. Conclusion. Empirical data confirmed the feasibility of creating a method for comprehensive psychological, neurobiological and psychovegetative diagnostics of self-control and self-regulation, which allows expanding the existing arsenal of predictive tools for evaluating behavioral responses in people of extreme jobs that require high mental reserves and neuropsychological stability. Taking into account the individual psychological features of law enforcement officers with different activity of regulatory systems is considered as essential for the creation of individualized preventive and rehabilitation programs.
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