Psychophysiological indicators in 11th grade students during the Unified State Exam
Introduction. Although Russia has abandoned the Bologna education system, the Unified State Exam (USE) will not be abolished. Anzor Muzaev, the head of Rosobrnadzor, explains that the USE is based on Russian educational standards and provides an objective assessment of school graduates. Moreover, the USE fulfills the most important social tasks, including supporting the unified educational space of the Russian Federation. However, over the past 10 years, there has been an 11.3 % increase in the overall prevalence of mental disorders and behavioral disorders in adolescents aged 15-17 years, which is partly attributed to the highly stressful nature of the USE procedure. Aims. Тo conduct a longitudinal analysis of the dynamics of psychophysiological indicators in 11th grade students taking the USE in 2019, 2021, and 2023. Materials and methods. Psychological testing methods and computer chronoreflexometry techniques (SVMR-3) for the assessment of complex visual-motor reactions with a choice of two alternatives in three stages were employed. A total of 82 high school students participated in the study. Data analysis was performed using the “Statistical for Windows 6.0” software package. Results. A significant decrease in anxiety was observed in both boys and girls in 2021, after the cancellation of distance learning. The anxiety level decreased as students and teachers became familiar with and mastered the testing procedure for the USE and developed skills in control and self-organization, which would be maximally formed in 2023. Notable changes in dynamics were also observed in several indicators of a complex 3-stage visual-motor reaction (SVMR-3). The graduates of 2023 made the fewest differentiation errors. Lower indicators of SVMR-3 stable performance were recorded at the second stage, while higher ones were observed at the first and third stages. Conclusion. Timely assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system and related psychological indicators allows for the early identification of the features of the functional state of the central nervous system, the assessment of the risk of psychological changes, and correctional work.
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